Chapter six / Konohagakure...Its beautiful!

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One week later


Otou-san had just finished telling me how to deceive people or trick them into thinking I was all gentle nice and sweet, not only so I would get more sponsors but I would get other ninja to like me and possibly befriend me…not like that would be needed, but I still must follow fathers orders.“Good, dear remember represent us with pride” I nodded as I gave Otou-san my last goodbye as we began to head towards Land of Fire. Makoto onii-san my cousin, Akira’s brother would be our Sensei for the exams. Hiroomi and Akira seemed pretty excited while I was basically jumping out of my shoes. “I’m so excited we can finally show them the power of the Takahashi clan!” Akira exclaimed Makoto chuckled “we will defiantly put up a fight”. I felt a shiver go up my spine as we reached the gates of Konohagakure. Before we went in Makoto onii-san gave me a kiss on the cheek and gave the boys a pat on the head “as long as you all try hard, not cheat, and follow direction I’m sure the Hidden Stones Takahashi team will show no fear and reluctance to win! Ok everyone follow me” I took a deep breath I knew I would be the figure of the clan the village… how could do it? “Mitsuki” a voice murmured I turn to see Hiroomi a reassuring look on his face “you will do fine, remember I will help you all the way!” “me too!” Akira exclaimed I smiled slowly as I took both of there hands “here goes nothing”.

As we entered Konoha everyone turned towards us and smiled some even ran up to us and said ‘hello welcome to our village’ I would smile and say ‘thank you your village is beautiful’. And it was true Konohagakure was very beautiful, we stopped at a hotel were since a lot of ninja had to come into Konoha we were lucky to get two rooms…V.I.P of course. I would share a room with Makoto onii-san, while Akira and Hiroomi shared a room. When we were done unpacking Makoto onii-san said that we could explore the village, but we would have to change into the appropriate attire. I wore a silk white kimono with my clans symbol largely inscribed on the back while my hair was (I took a shower) combed straight as my violet eyes were the only thing I needed really, to have a alluring face. Akira and Hiroomi wore Takahashi cloaks different colors of course. As we headed out of the hotel I don’t know why but for some reason male boy I passed turned and stared some even whistled. Hiroomi would turn around and glare while Akira would smirk. I just kept walking, we stopped as a beautiful lake, where I sat on the dock, I took off my white slippers as well to dip my small pale toes into the water. Akira was trying to fish and Hiroomi sat on the other side of me protectively. 

Ishigakure's pride Konoha's love (a naruto fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now