one team+

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🔹Y/N pov
  16 years of the same things over and over again.

  The same buildings.

  The same people, not that I minded seeing my friends everyday.

  But it was always the same bed, the same clothes, the same paths, the same classes, I didn't mind my classes either because I'm really good friends with two of the instructors, so class is bearable.

  Everything was the same for 16 years of my life, it was normal for everyone... But, it bothered me, and I had no idea why.

  Everything was in an order. Everyone would wake up at the same time everyday, and would be made to dress correctly for check up. The check ups and dress codes were stupid in my eyes, so when I turned 16 I was suddenly sick of it and didn't know why. I stopped caring about the dress code, but, since our clothes were colorless, I didn't really stand out. Everyday I would wear colorless pants, a colorless shirt, and a colorless jacket. Which was very much against the dress code, girls were required to wear this tight pencil skirt that I refused to wear, so of course, I got dress coded everyday, meaning I got in a lot of trouble. My class instructor, Joshua, offered to help me whenever I was in trouble, and of course I accepted, meaning we got closer and became really good friends.

No one had a family, there were no nick names, no middle names, not pets, and definitely no relationships. You were either classmates, roommates, acquaintances, or friends, never anything more.

  Everyone here was required to have a roommate, so I had one, but I never talked to her, I kept to my small group of friends. So when the alarm to wake all of District 17 went off, I ignored her as usual, walking into my closet and putting on my usual outfit and leaving my room as soon as possible, rushing out to meet my friends.
I saw the two of them sitting at the table we usually sit and walked over to sit across from them.
"Good morning, Jihoon, morning Soonyoung" I politely said.
"Morning," they both said back to me with a smile.
"Did you sleep well?" Soonyoung asks, looking closely at my tired expression.
"No, not really, but I'll be fine." I told him
"Alright." He said, still looking concerned.

We all finished our food quickly and stared at the pills we are required to take, I knew that Soonyoung and Jihoon didn't take their pills, then I remembered something instructor Joshua told me a few months ago when I was first put into the prison that only the district leaders and instructors knew about. If an instructor does a certain paperwork, they can get you out of the prison, and Joshua's friend was always the one who got me out. He was also an instructor, instructor Jeonghan. When Jeonghan brought me back to Joshua's classroom the first time, Joshua told me something. He told me that Jeonghan and him didn't want me to take the pills anymore, that the pills were messing with my head, but I never considered actually stopping taking the pills, until now. Ever since they told me about the pills, Jeonghan has been teaching me things, like, colors, and emotions. I enjoyed it. He told me how emotions were very painful sometimes, but also happy at other times, which is why I was so afraid to stop taking the pill in the first place.
"Y/N, are you going to take your pill?" Jihoon asked.
".....No," I said, pretending to take it and then looking back at them.
They were shocked, I had never mentioned considering not taking the pill to them before. " I want to listen to Joshua and Jeonghan for once, they tell me their secrets and they trust me, so I'll trust them too."
"So are you going to start coming to the meetings with us now?" Soonyoung asked excitedly, and I slightly laughed at him.
"Yeah," I said, still smiling.
"Well, it's time for roll call so.. we'll see you later Y/N." Jihoon said, standing up.
"Of course, see you later." I replied, also standing up, going over to my life and standing in place.

A lady walked by, checking that our hair was put up and our clothes were correct for the day. She sighed as she stopped in front of me.
"Y/N," she said, looking me up and down
"Yes miss?" I asked innocently, trying not to laugh.
"Why must you always make my job so hard for me?" She sighs once again, righting on a slip of paper.
'oh yeah cause writing a few words on a slip of paper is sooooo hard' I though to myself
Unsuprisingly, I got dress coded, again.
Roll call ended soon after and I walked to instructor Joshua's classroom. When I entered, he called me over to his desk and I swiftly walked over.
"Did you take the pill today?" He asks in a hushed tone.
"No," I answered back nervously. "And Jeonghan has taught me enough to know what to expect so, I'm not that worried, I'm just a little scared of the whole emotions thing," I said, chuckling lightly.
He laughs too. "I'm sure you'll be fine, on a lighter note, I assume you got dress coded again?"
"Yeah." And as if on cue, another instructor that I didn't know, walked in and dragged me away to the District leader, and I was locked in the prison again.
I've already made friends with the people here, today my cellmate was Chan.
"Hey again, Chan." I said, sitting next to him.
"Welcome back, is Jeonghan coming to bail you out again?"
"Probably," I said, laughing. And down the hall, I could hear a voice I recognized from all my time in here, Seokmin was singing again. So long story short, I was in the boring cells for hours, starting to feel tons of emotions all at once, and it was terrifying. Until I heard another voice down the hall that I immediately recognized, a voice that calmed me down instantly. Jeonghan. Thinking about him gave me a weird feeling, and I had no idea what it was. Seungcheol, the guard, who I had also gotten to be friends with because of the amount of times i've been in here, unlocked and opened the door, and in steps Jeonghan, who hands me a folder and looks down towards where I'm sitting.
"Can't you go one day without getting in trouble?" He asks jokingly, but in reality I can tell that he is concerned about me.
"Nope," I said walking past him and out of the cell. He quickly catches up to me and we start to talk.
"Classes are over now, but I'm still bringing you back to Joshua's classroom." He said, looking at me.
My heart raced when he talked to me, or looked at me. It scared me.
"O-Okay," I stuttered... Why was I stuttering?
Was something wrong with me?


Soooo, what did you think. I think this is the longest chapter of anything I've ever posted.
Anyway! I hope you liked the story and once again credit to tofusguitar for letting me use your idea to write stories! Youre the besssst!
Also, if I made any mistakes that I missed please let me know or if you have any advice for me, I would appreciate it if you would tell me! Okay bye readers!! ❤️
~author ladyyy

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