Do to Distance

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Amber's Pov

 "Children excuse me, um, as you know this Sunday is Family wich Amber and Ben will be hosting here at Auradon Prep, and because your parents can't be here do to uh distance, we've arranged for a special treat!" FG Mother went over to the TV and turned it on. "Ahhh!!" I screamed in the classroom everyone looked at me. Mal looked at me in a worried expression. On the TV it was Maleficent I hoped all my life I wouldn't see her in person or alive and not wax. "I don't see anything nor do I hear, Is is it- CAN I PLEASE SEE THE REMOTE?! It's broken ugh I hate electron-" Then there connection turned on. "Amber, you don't have to be here if you don't wish to-" "AMBER? As in Amber Rose as in King Stephen's granddaughter as in Aurora's daughter?" "Ugh yes, mom!" Mal said annoyed "MAL! I m-m-miss you!" She said fidgeting with her hands. "Ha, you children are never far from our thought's!" Jafar said. Jay looked down at the floor he seemed sad about seeing his dad. "I got it, How long must mommy wait to see you?" Maleficent said to Mal "Uh there's this big coronation coming up I think sometime after... that" Mal said in a disappointed tone. "WHEN?!" "Friday 10 am," "You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I can't get my hands on that Magi-. You my little nugget I love so much!" Maleficent said pretending to nibble. "Yes, I completely understand mother..." "C-Carlos is that a dog? Oh yes, yes, baby, I do understand, it would make the perfect size for earmuffs Ahahahaha!!" "Cruella said squeaking the little dog toy. Carlos handed me Dud and stood up to his mom "He is the perfect size for a PET this dog loves me and I love him! And FYI your dog is stuffed! So give it a REST!!" Carlos said grabbing dude back. "Oooh BURN!" Jafar said pointing at Cruella "Oh, why don't you go sell a toaster ya 2 bid salesmen!" Cruella said petting her stuffed dog "People who talk to stuffed animals shouldn't throw STONES!!" Jafar said. Jar put his arm around Carlos "Oh well people who sell toasters should use mixed up metaphors!" Cruella said squeaking the stuffed dog "Uuugh Enough bye, Amber Rose..." Maleficent said. Jay turned it off before anyone else said anything. Jay looked at me and I smiled " I have to go, guys, I'll see you later!" "Bye Amb's" Evie said side hugging me. "Bye..." 

448 words 


sorry its so short

next chapter is family day enjoy luv yaaaall


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