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*Xavier's pov*

The kiss was like nothing else I have ever experienced. For starters, I have never kissed a guy in my life. Let alone even think about kissing a guy. It made no sense, but at the same time it made perfect sense. Ever since that day I hooked up with Becca, I haven't been able to even get hard, but just thinking about Darius made it so easy. I don't know if it's Darius or maybe Darius just is part of my sexual awakening. He's just the doorway to a whole other sex life I never even thought about exploring. But deep in my mind, the thought of kissing anyone else makes me cringe.

Kissing Darius sends sparks flying and makes my knees go weak. I'm so glad he picked me up and sat me down on his lap. Being six-foot, an alpha, and a guy, I am always the dominant one in the relationship, but it was nice to have Darius take charge. Even if I only let him for a second. I stuck my tongue in his mouth and refused to let him take control. Girls have always told me I was a good kisser, but clearly they have never kissed Darius. The ways our tongues move in complete sync made me consider just letting him do all the work. His hands were resting on the small of my back, while his thumbs were sensually moving rhythmically, sneaking lower and lower. Soon, his hands were literally on my ass, and squeezing lightly! This was definitely new. Mads always jokes about how she wished she had my butt, but Darius clearly enjoyed it too, as his little- or big- friend was poking me.

While I was so captured in what he was doing back there, I didn't notice when he slowly brought his mouth down to my neck. Kissing Darius for only a few minutes taught me so much about myself. I never realized how nice it felt to be treated like I was light as a feather. Of course, my dick felt it too as it was straining against my pants touching his stomach. My lower back was very sensitive, but my neck was extremely sensitive. When he sucked there I felt like I could pass out from the pleasure.

That's when I saw Madison looking for the booth we were in. Because of the way I was sitting on Darius, she could only seem my face and not him. We made eye contact, and she gave me a strange look, but she looked too tipsy to even notice Darius was under me. I wanted so badly to just give in to the pleasure, but seeing Mads was like a slap in the face. What the fuck am I doing!? And with Darius! I'm an alpha. I should have more self control.

"Fuck!" My mind goes back in forth, but my rational side of the brain wins, and I hop of Darius and run to the bar for some water.

"How much did you drink? I don't even feel drunk?" Madison slurs.

"C'mon. We're leaving. You are definitely drunk, and we have work tomorrow!" Being a werewolf, we shouldn't be hung over, but this was much stronger than regular alcohol.

"Whatever, buzzkill. Let's get Darius."

"No!" She shoots me a confused look, and I bet if she wasn't drunk she would be scolding me for not being nice to him. If only she knew. "He already left. He said he felt sick," I lie.

We are sitting in the cab, and Madison is already fast asleep on my shoulder. I can't even think straight, but my brain is trying so hard to analyze the situation. As we pull into the hotel, I pay the driver, and instead of waking Mads up, I just pick her up bridal style.

She was wearing a short, slip dress that looked comfy enough to sleep in, so I just took off her shoes, and set her down in her bed. I checked my phone and realized I had two missed calls from Darius and a text asking where we were and if we could talk. I just replied saying we left because I didn't want him waiting around for us. It was already 2:30 am. I was about to leave, when I remembered Mads telling me how much she hates sleeping with makeup on. Being my personal assistant, we spend a lot of time together. I used a makeup wipe to remove all her makeup, and I even took off her weird eyelashes. She's gonna be so proud of me when she wakes up. Jeremy is gonna have big shoes to fill because I do an amazing job of taking care of Mads.

As I was leaving her room, of course Darius was about to enter his room. I really want to just shut the door and hide in her room a little longer, but I'm an alpha. It's just a little confrontation. No problem, right?

"Why'd you run off? Can we please talk?" Darius asks.

"Look I'm really tired right now, and can we just- um... I don't know like never talk about this again. I'm really confused okay. I need time to think. But this couldn't ever work," I say using my hands to point between each other. My heart is racing, and I want to shrivel up and die when I see hurt flash across his face. However, he has a change of heart because he says,

"You're right. Goodnight."

It's a little weird to talk to him with him just giving in like that. Part of me wants to say "I'm always right" while the other part of me wants to say "just like that! You aren't going to fight for us!" But that would just be stupid. We aren't teenagers. We are grown adults with two packs depending on us, while a deadly women roams free.

The next morning I wake up at 8 am, and hop in the shower. I cannot believe everything that happened yesterday. Goddess, I can't believe how I acted. I can blame the alcohol though. How does the saying go? Drunk words are sober thoughts. Maybe, it's the same with drunk actions. I can't believe I accused him of being jealous. That probably wasn't even true! But in my defense, he did look jealous. Every time I would move away from him and Mads he would get a bitch face. And he is the one who initiated the kiss! Right? I should've just kept my mouth shut. I'm so cocky and self-centered. Maybe he was just horny, and I happened to be at the right place at the right time. It was more of the wrong place at the wrong time though.

I get out of the shower and look at myself in the mirror, and see a hickey on my neck. Goddess! He was kissing me there for like one second! I can already imagine the judgement I would receive by the council, for acting so immature and not being settled down with a mate. Darius doesn't have a mate either!

Mads has to have some makeup that can fix this. I know she can.
Xavier's neck at the top.
Just wanted to show y'all Xavier's pov. Poor X is so conflicted. I hope he doesn't have to drive back in the same car as Darius :0

I love the song at the top and it's called "Incomplete Kisses" lmao

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