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*Xavier's pov*

"I get it, Mr. Lewis-"

"I'm sorry, Xavier, but I have a hard time believing you do!"

I sigh. If I knew taking Mr. Lewis home would be the most uncomfortable ride ever, I never would have offered. I'm sore- surprisingly, sore for a werewolf. And I'm tired - no exhausted. Mr. Lewis isn't really helping with his impromptu interrogation of me.

"Look, I don't really get what you want me to do?"

"I just want you to start taking more responsibility. You run the largest prison in North America."

"I understand, okay? I'll admit my timing with Darius was bad."

"Xavier, you were in charge of keeping the world's most dangerous person locked away, and you let her escape."

"It wasn't my fault! No one knows how she even escaped!"

"You need to start taking responsibility. It was at your pack, and Goddess knows where you were that day."

"So, I have to sit at home, keeping an eye on the prisoners 24/7. I'm sorry, Mr. Lewis, but that's not the life I want."

"That doesn't matter! It already is your life!"

His words make me flinch, and I say nothing. His look softens, and he adds,
"I know. It's not fair, and it does suck. But I think it's time you know the true importance of your pack."

"Trust me, it's been drilled into my head that 'the Kings protect'. I understand that my family's legacy is to protect the supernatural realm from threats to their safety. And honestly, I'm aware of the shitty job I've been doing," I gulp.

Mr. Lewis sighs and looks at me empathetically.
"I'm sorry, Xavier. It wasn't my intention to make you feel bad. It's okay. We're gonna find her."

"It's just hard for me sometimes, like I enjoy running my pack a lot, but the prison too is a lot of stress. Why is it the 'Kings protect'? Why couldn't it have been the 'Lockwoods protect' or some shit," I grumble. I focus on the road not expecting an answer.

"Xavier, do you know the history behind the King prison?"

"Somewhat from what my dad told me. It seems like the prison has always been in our family though."

"Yes, that's true. But your father was the one to really expand it into what it is today. Sure, the prison before him was definitely notable, but Alpha Romero created a large enough system, where packs all over could rely on him. Hell, Alpha Darius only keeps a handful of prisoners a year. Alpha Romero was truly dedicated to the cause," he says, letting out a breath. Talking about my passed father is never easy.

"The cause?" I question.

"You know, keeping those wild mutts in order." Ah, he was referring to my father's well-known dislike for rogues. It is always put me in awkward positions. Sure, I had no problem keeping uncivilized, murderous rogues away from society, but a good bunch of them were kicked out for petty reasons. However, to my father all rogues were the same, so they all got the same brutal treatment.

"Ahhh, yes." Mr. Lewis gives me an approving look, and I inwardly cringe at myself. Him and my father were definitely more conservative than me, relying on tough law and order. I, however, never aligned myself with those beliefs, but I was never outspoken about it either. I always want people to think the best of me. It's probably my biggest flaw.

"It was really important to him." My father's hatred for rogues occurred after his parents- my grandparents - were murdered by rogues. That hatred was solidified after my mother's death at the hand of a rogue.

"As it is to me." The words just come out of my mouth - I don't know what it is. He just acts so much like my father, and I needed my father's approval.

"I think it's time you know some things about your father's work before he passed," he says, looking at me intently. I tried focusing on the road, but I'm confused.

"What do you mean? Is it not the same work I do? After all, I took over his pack?" I ask.

"Well, yes, but prior to your mother's passing he helped the council with a project."

"What project?"

"Romero was in the middle of helping us find a way to deal with rogues."

"Like a rehabilitation for rogues," I question. I always thought an alternative to prison for rogues would be more useful.

"In a way... but it's more like finding a use for rogues. You're probably aware of that monster looking creature you were holding your cells." He must have been referring to Charles.

"Yeah. What is he?"

"Before I give you any information, I need to know that your loyalties lie with the council. This is confidential information I'm telling you."

"Of course it does," I say. But Im skeptical. He looks at me to find any trace of dishonesty.

"Then you can't be hanging around Alpha Darius. Goddess knows where his loyalties truly lie," he murmurs the last bit. My knuckles tighten around the steering wheel at the mention of him.

"He- he was just confused," I say, which was my feeble attempt at defending him. Mr. Lewis shakes his head in disappointment.

"Well that prisoner was a rogue. The council, some alphas, and leading supernatural scientists have created a team to deal with rogues. Right now we are in the process of testing a solution. You saw that rogue? Goddess, he didn't even look like a werewolf anymore. He was our first trial though. We learned a lot from him."

"So, what's the solution?"

"Through tough training and some technical innovations, we hope to drive out the extreme animalistic nature of rogues and create a stronger breed of werewolves. Think about it. A world with no more rogues. Think about all the lives that would be saved. And by creating a superior race, werewolves would undoubtedly be the strongest supernatural force," he says, his eyes lighting up at the thought of this new world.

I, on the other hand, am confused. I think about my mother and grandparents lives would have been saved without rogues, and I want to join the team immediately. However, this seems too idealistic, and I cannot say how it would realistically play out.

"So, what happened to that prisoner?" I ask about Charles.

"Xavier, we had to put him down... He was becoming too feral. He reacted poor to the treatment." I nod my head, but this doesn't sit right with me.

We finally reach his destination, and he moves to get out of the car.

"Before you make any decisions, think about it. Call me, and I will set up an appointment with the others to give you more information,"

"Okay. I will, Mr. Lewis."

Before he leaves, he turns to me and says,

"Your father would have been so proud of you, Xavier. I am too. This is what your father would have wanted you to do. You can do great things with us to continue his legacy." I nod my head, not knowing what to say. "Well, I'm off. I know this was a lot, but I just want what's best for you. I love you very much. Goodbye Xavier." Hearing him say 'I love you' was the first time I heard that saying in a while - from someone other than Mads. Mr. Lewis gave me a lot to think about on my ride home.


[12.5k reads]

Had to explain a lot in this chapter, & I wanted y'all to see Mr. Lewis and Xavier's relationship.

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