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August 6, 2021 Rome-

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August 6, 2021

"Baby you good?" I asked Yanna while she was in the bathroom taking a bath

"I'm good!"

"Okay. I'm about to order breakfast."


I shook my head laughing she had been so happy ever since we landed here in the Dominican Republic. Everything is so beautiful-the area where we are at, the hotel room, and Yanna.

As I was about to call room service August was calling my phone...ain't talked to him in a grip.

I picked up my phone and answered it.

"What's up? It's been a minute you straight dawg?"

"Man, hell nah I ain't straight. So much shit been popping off Rome."

I sat down with my eyebrows furrowed because I had no idea what he could even be talking about. I didn't stay updated with social media like that and I don't really talk to Moni unless we in person so I don't know.

"What's happening with you bro?" I asked concerned

This been my nigga for over a year and we got a real genuine, close bond so of course I care if something bothering my brother.

"Well for starters I just got off the phone with my wife. This nanny we had for like two years had stopped babysitting for us when we moved to Malibu, but then shit she popped up out of nowhere. Moni said she was acting weird as hell at times and when she was on the phone with me one day she was talking all seductive and shit-talking about she following the plan. I don't know what the fuck she was talking about, so I left it alone because we already got enough on our plate."

"That's where you fucked up I bet you...but go ahead." I stated shaking my head

"Psss...Man, she committed suicide yesterday and it's all in the news. You know how the fucking reporters is. Talking about Caucasian women was found dead early morning in R&B singer August Alsina's house... son! My wife balling the hell out about the shit constantly and I'm just like what the fuck-..."

"That hoe was white?! Aw hell nah! I would be like damn, but it ain't unusual these white girls be doing shit like that it's crazy that she ain't stereotype."

"Yeah, I know, but her dawg? Man, I'm already being dragged in the blogs for random shit and now this? My wife pregnant bro. My son was fucking there-he ain't see shit because Moni took care of that, but still the audacity! The bitch left a suicide note or whatever and she had so many pictures of me in her gallery. She had this video of me saying three year tops I'm on tour. Bro...she got this shit played out like I told her we could be together in three years-that I will stop my tour for her type shit. Like huh! Bitch you fucking nuts!"

"Banana-nut nuts dawg! What the hell? So how she got a video of you saying that shit if you ain't really say it?"

"The video dark like you can't see neither one of us and the police say that I could've been talking to someone on the phone or shit anything, but she just recorded it. Regardless what it was I don't remember saying it and definitely not to her. And, she had it in her mind that I really was going to leave my ducking family for her bruh!"

"That's psycho as hell. So she committed suicide and now what? She want y'all house to fall into pieces because of it? Where Moni and Bless?"

"They staying with Bandzey right now, Moni said that shit give her the creeps that somebody literally killed them self in there."

"I understand man that shit ain't nothing normal. She needed help. What else been going on?"

"Mannn. So much shit, long story short I got drugged at the studio and I don't fucking know if I cheated on Moni or not. I don't know who did it, but I know who did it. I just can't get the information on it until after I get off tour because the circumstances I'm in."

"What the fuck? Drugged you? Why everybody out to get you dawg? That shit ain't fucking cool. Is you alright man? You know the drug ain't make you want to relapse or it didn't hurt you did it?"

He inhaled and exhaled heavily...

"I'm straight bruh. I ain't mean to put all this on you, but I just needed to talk."

"Nah. You straight. You know you my fucking brother and anything you ever need I got you and that's facts August. I know you would do the same for me."

"No questions asked. Are you good man?" He sighed

"I would say I'm living my best life." I smirked as Yanna came out the bathroom with the towel around her and water dripping off her smooth-dark skin

Black girl magic...

"Word?" August chuckled

"Yeah, Word. I'm on vacation right now."

"Oh shit. I forgot about that. How is it? I'm glad y'all landed cool."

"Yeah we straight. How you know about it beforehand?"

"I talked to Yanna. But, shit what's up with y'all? You really feeling her now?"

"I'm feeling her...we just vibing there ain't really no titles."

"Shit as long as you content and happy with what's going on I support it. Treat her good."

"I took her on vacation nigga-I'm in the process of doing that."

"Aight' man. Thanks for listening I got to go sort some shit out."

"I'm here August you know that brother. And, take that shit easy. I'll be praying for you. Finish that tour strong."

"I still plan on it."

"Alright then, peace."


The phone call ended and I looked over to Yanna about to go back in the bathroom to put her clothes on.

"You can stay out here and put them on."

"Oh I can?" She giggled and went into the bathroom anyway

I tried right?

"You want steak, eggs, and potatoes?" I asked from the other side of the door

"Yes that's nice! Oh! Shrimp too Rome! Thank you baby."

"I got you" I smiled

This gone be a bomb ass trip... I got some things in the works right now.

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