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"What is this Nine going to do to him?" it's audible that Stephanie is a little reluctant to ask.

And Sportacus' answer is just as hesitant "I don't know... I wish I'd knew..."

Does he really? Or can reality be even worse than the worst imagination?...

"Sportacus, you look horrible. We should go back..." remarks Pixel carefully.

"Yes, he's right! You won't be any help for Robbie like that, either way!" Ziggy tugs at the hero's arm.

"You might be right..." the elf takes a labored breath in, fighting his dizziness with each further step he takes to cross the forest together with the three children "...But I can't leave Robbie on his own. He needs me. And I will help him, no matter at what..." he interrupts himself, remembering that they're still kids and forces a weak smile "I just can't let him down."

Ziggy stops. And so do the other two.

Puzzled the hero turns around and looks at his three friends, all of them standing there with folded arms, frowning.


"We know that Nine is dangerous, Sportacus," starts Pixel firmly.

"Far more dangerous than Robbie could ever be," adds Ziggy.

And Stephanie finishes "Whatever he'll do to Robbie, we don't want to lose you the same way!"

And suddenly there's this horrible feeling in the elf's chest again.

He's torn.

Torn between his feeling of responsibility for the kids and his friendship with them and his responsibility and feelings for Robbie...

"...I...have to save him..." the hero doesn't really notice the tears that are streaming down his face by now "I'm sorry! You' family! And I... I would never purposefully leave or hurt any of you in any way! But...I can't leave Robbie with Nine! I can't live without him! I... I love him..." his voice breaks and he lowers his eyes. He doesn't know whether the children are old enough to understand...or whether he should've told them at all. He doesn't know anything anymore...

"...Well..." Pixel shortly glances at Stephanie and then back at the hero "Why didn't you say that at once?!"

Even more confused than before Sportacus looks up again and in three grinning faces "...What..."

"We just wanted you to say it out loud," Pixel smirks "And to get some more color in your face again."

"Yeah. You looked as white as the frosting of Stephanie's last cake!"

Sportacus blinks. Even more tears dropping from his eyes. Then he bows down and embraces three of his friends tightly "Thank you. I love you."

"We love you too. And...Robbie."

And that is all that has to be said in this moment.

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