Power Play!?

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"...Sportacus..." his own whimper wakes him up and he opens his eyes with a low groan.

His vision is blurred, but in front of him is the silhouette of a person. He isn't sure whether he puts any hope in his voice now "...Sportacus?..."


The hand that touches Robbie's forehead now is warm and gentle. But the felf reflexively pushes it off and sits up with a jerk. He gets dizzy at once but holds himself upright with the aid of both his arms. His breath comes in labored gasps and he has to blink a few times to focus and recognize the elvish doctor now.

The moment he does, he can't help a wince and tries to shift away from him.

"Easy," the elf takes a step away from the table the prisoner is sitting on "I won't hurt you, Robbie."

Robbie feels like yelling 'Oh no?! You already did!', but he just stares at the other, knowing that his eyes probably give away his fear and confusion.

The doctor stands his gaze for a moment then he explains gently "You're weakened. That's why you feel this..."

"Why did you stop?" the felf's question is low and surprises even himself.

"Because we don't want to torture you. Normally you wouldn't have felt any of the first examination, if you hadn't woken up from the psych sedation. During all my time here, this hasn't happened. I've never even heard of such cases. And while you've been resting I checked it and couldn't find any files about this phenomenon either..." the elf tilts his head while still looking at the man on the bed "There's some source of strength in you...that appears to go beyond the usual felvish magic..."

Robbie can't help the feeling that he becomes more and more the lab rat for these people, although this doctor at least didn't proceed with the 'torture' earlier...

"How...could you stand up against Nine like that?..." he changes his position a bit, sitting more hunched over now. His hands find the thin blanket he's been covered with until he woke up and nervously start playing with the fabric.

The doctor laughs "The Elders might have more powers than anybody else in our realm, but they by far can't do everything. They still need the results people like me get them to make their decisions and judgments. So here, in this room they may suggest certain procedures and methods, but I decide what really will be done. And...as I said, I have no intention in hurting you any worse than absolute necessary. That's why I interrupted the first examination. But...after you recovered a little we'll have to continue with the next tests..." he walks over to a table, takes a glass with water and returns to the felf "Drink... It'll do you good."

Hesitatingly Robbie takes the offered glass and a careful sip, telling himself that if the other would like to see him dead he had every opportunity to do so.

It's a small reassurance.

But the biggest he can allow himself now.

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