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"...You should be asleep..."

Pixel jumps a little at the low voice behind his back and reflexively turns his head. The next second he relaxes again and smiles lightly "You too. Or are you already waiting to replace your uncle in the cockpit?"

Stephanie smiles and shakes her head, answering just as lowly "No. I should be asleep too. Let's make sure we neither wake the others nor disturb my uncle..." With this she silently sits down next to the boy in front of the door of the closet where Sportacus keeps his toys. They just sit there in silence for some minutes, staring at it.

Then the pink girl admits lowly "I can't sleep... All of us give our best but I doubt that we'll be fast enough... And what if we're wrong and Nine is not taking them to Iceland?"

Pixel looks at her sideways for a moment then he smiles wryly "And what has become of my optimistic friend?"

She blushes a little and returns the smile "You're right... We can't give up hope yet. And if we're lucky they'll even manage to free themselves... They're Sportacus and Robbie after all!" her smile drops a little and she swallows hard when she thinks about the last time she's spoken to them, but then she tilts her head in light confusion "And why can't you sleep?"

The boy lowers his head a little "...To be honest... For the same reason as you... And I still don't understand why Nine does that. Robbie isn't really bad. He's just...different. And Sportacus said he loves him so...why do they want to hurt him?"

"Because Robbie is a felf..."

"Yeah and what does that mean?" Pixel looks at her almost desperately.

"Sportacus' people seem to believe that he's dangerous because of this for some reason. But that's totally stupid."

"Yeah! Someone who's in love can't be dangerous! Sportacus' people gotta know and realize that!" he tilts his head in slight shock "Wait... Does that mean...they don't stand any chance? Because Nine obviously is dangerous..."

Stephanie has to swallow hard once again and searches for another straw to hold on to "...But... They're also clever... And we're coming for their rescue..." she sighs lowly and leans against Pixel, spending and receiving comfort like this "...All they gotta do...is hold on... And for this...they've got each other..."

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