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"You know this maybe would look even cute...if this wasn't a felf you're cuddling with!" growls Nine with obvious disgust and kicks against the door of the cage "You should rather think about what you're going to tell the other Elders at court for your defense! Don't think they'll go easy on you just because some of them have been heroes themselves, Ís! In fact it's going to be just the opposite!"

"Nine, please! Do something! Robbie still isn't conscious!" whimpers Sportacus convincingly desperate and sits up. There are streaks of dried in tears on his cheeks and although he's facing the other elf now, one of his hands is still holding Robbie's hand and feeling his pulse.

Internally he's torn between nervousness because of their plan and a strange relaxation because of the, although also excited strong and quick, steady heartbeat beneath his fingers.

His boyfriend is okay for now. But his silent and motionless acting with a painful frown on his face is just as convincing as Sportacus' begging for help and his slight panic he's presenting on his outside now.

Of course all he gets from Nine is mock.

"You should be glad about that. At least he won't try to kill you. Or talk to you. He surely is one of the most dangerous creatures of the world, but his constant rambling and complaining may be even worse!" he laughs coolly and throws a small apple into the cage "Here. Don't want you to claim that I didn't treat you well."

The hero glances at the apple on the ground next to him then he points at Robbie "You know that he doesn't..."

"Feeding a felf is against the law. And I surely won't risk that he becomes strong again because of any food!" another laugh then Nine turns away with the words "Either you eat it or you don't. I really don't care..."

Sportacus doesn't react. He watches the other walk over to a shelf in the wall and grabbing a book before sitting down on a chair near one of the greater windows. The guards are currently pedaling and lowly discussing something...

Now or never.

Sportacus silently lays down next to his boyfriend again and carefully cups his cheek as the silent sign that they'll have to pull it through now.

Robbie opens one eye a bit and gives his boyfriend a soft, soothing smile, then he reaches for the prepared bubblegum and sets to work. He chews it a little, tasting the slightly sweeter flavor but managing to don't wash the sugar out with his spit but only work it long enough so he can start to make a bubble.

A small bubble.

And before it can explode he brings his hands around it close enough to focus his magic and freeze the form.

The practice pays off.

He's working quick and efficiently, and produces seven frozen bubbles like this.

He feels a little worn out now but strangely euphoric as well.

Sportacus silently sits up now again, grabs the rubber band and the head of the spoon and carefully places one of the bubbles into it so he now got a self-made slingshot.

A deep breath.

Ignoring his feverish dizziness.


He aims for the ventilation fans in the wall like Robbie explained to him earlier.

Another deep breath.

One shot, one hit.

It takes him far more concentration and time than it would have if he felt better.

But all that counts are the seven small frozen bubbles inside the ventilation system now...waiting to melt and set their sweet content free...

He swallows hard and looks down at Robbie again. The felf smiles softly, encouragingly and does a small sign for him to lay down again.

A little puzzled the hero does.

"...Now...we just can wait..." with a small smile, Robbie pulls him closer and explains under his breath "If it works, Nine and the others won't notice until it's too late and they get knocked out by the sweet dust that gets spread inside here by the ventilation fans... But you can't hold your breath the whole time so the same thing won't happen to you. So...let's try to...reduce the effect on you a little... Breathe in through your mouth, Sportacus."

"What do you..." the hero only understands when Robbie presses their slightly parted lips together again while deeply breathing in through his nose first and then carefully exhaling into his boyfriend's mouth.

Sportacus doesn't need to practice this.

He reflexively accepts the air slightly filtered by Robbie's lungs at once and breathes out through his nose a few seconds later...

They immediately have a rhythm.

And Robbie can't help but to compare this to the day they've been dancing together in the hero's airship.

It's a different rhythm.

But somehow it feels strangely familiar as well...

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