Chapter 1: The Beginning

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  • Dedicated to Nate, Hunter, and Morgan. they be awesome

When Hunter, Morgan and I got to the hotel, we were amazed. The tall building in front us was the hotel we were staying in for a con.

"Woah... Nate, were in the top too, aren't we?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah..." I replied in awe.

We were staying in the penthouse suite along with a few other YouTubers. ProJared and PeanutButterGamer are just two of the top of my head. We were all really psyched to get here.

"So, we should probably get in there and stuff, because we are late as it is. Everyone else are probably there already." Morgan said, picking up her shoulder bag. Dookie and I nodded, and picked up the rest of the suitcases. DO YOU EVEN LIFT?


As we went up in the elevator, it was notably silent, but it was because we were all super hyped. We haven't met most of the people in person, just online. We were about to meet some of our internet friends.

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