Chapter 6- Insane.

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Its been two weeks now. Two weeks since we got stuck inside these walls. [wink wink XD] If I wasn't such an introvert, I might've gone insane by now.

I feel like we all are losing our energy... our will. Some, faster than others.

"Mornin!" Morgan greeted me as she walked out of her room.

"Hey." I replied, tired. I haven't gotten much sleep since we got here. Maybe that's why I've been so uneasy...

Hunter's eyes slowly fluttered open as he woke up beside me on the floor.

"Hey Sleepyshed." I whispered.

"Dude. Just no." Dookie replied, rubbing his eyes. We were the only three awake, it seemed.

"Let's check the fridge, there's probably more food there." I suggested as my stomach growled. Morgan and Dookie nodded, and we headed into the kitchen.

Sure enough, the "magical" refrigerator was restocked yet again. Every morning it had more food.

"I'm still not used to this thing." I admitted as I grabbed a water bottle and a banana. Morgan got a mango, and Dookie an orange. We ate, then walked back into the living room. We were met by an awakened MatPat and Nappy.

"Good morning!" MatPat exclaimed.

"Aey! Nappy aint nappin!" Dookie joked.

Nappy shook his head. It was a pretty bad joke.

That joke was not the only bad thing that surfaced that day.

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