Chapter 10

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I pause, hesisanting with my words. Jesse's already been through so much,  I wouldn't want to make it worse. Plus, whether he accepts it or not, he's tired. One word could set him off now when a well rested Jesse would take no offense at all.

Jesse weakly points at the sword. "Do you know what that is?"

His words freeze me for a moment, derailing my train of thought. I haven't thought much about the sword itself, only that it was a very deadly weapon trying to kill us. 'Terrifing' sums up the extent of that pretty well.

"Isn't it the weapon P.A.M.A. gave you?" Jesse shakes his head, grunting as he brought himself into a sitting position.

"I came up with this design. After dealing with world after world, I was just having a harder time swinging."

Jesse grabs the sword and raises it to the sky, the green blade shimmering majestically in the moonlight. "I figured that a blaze rod, since it's used in strength potions, would be much stronger than just a stick. To my shock though, it considerably lightens the weapons."

"So, since it's green and all, it's gotta be emeralds right?"

"Yeah, emeralds..." Jesse tosses it carelessly past me, hunching over. "Rarer than diamonds, so I thought they would be stronger too. And that's why I thought I would never get to build it for a long time."

Jesse scowls, hate radating off of him. I want to say it's hate at P.A.M.A., and some of it must be. Yet there also this instinct, intuition, that's telling me there's a lot of self-hatred balled up inside Jesse's head.

"And how do I get this? From P.A.M.A.!" Jesse's eyes snap up to mine, dull tired eyes leaking fury. "It took my old sword, to make it useful someplace else. Now I have to wield a blade I didn't earn, made from materials stolen from good people!"

I tilt my head at him, making sure that everything I do is calming. "Jesse? If someone gave you that sword as a gift, would you accept it?"

He recoils, his face crinkling up in confusion. Good, that's what I was hoping for. Ask a question that anger can't answer, force him back into a logical state. At least, I hope he isn't getting angry. Jesse's been able to hide it all this time.

"Well, it depends."

I raise an eyebrow, like he's getting off the hook that easily. "On what?"

"I-it's complicated." Jesse turns away from me, eyebrows furrowed as he thinks up another lie. This is a clear sigh he's still absolutely exhausted. For better or for worse, Jesse's ability to think under pressure doesn't break down easily. I really need to convince him to sleep quickly, maybe right after I learn what's eating him a bit more.

"Why would you refuse such a gift Jesse?"

"Because I shouldn't have it!" Jesse's eyes panic, the dam inside him cracking. "Such a powerful weapon shouldn't just be given to me! The person who made it would deserve it more! I do just fine with a diamond sword, it's unnecessary to have a new one!"

Jesse's eyes dart away, the hero flinching away from my gaze. There's more, I know. He must have stopped himself. Perhaps I shouldn't be using his weaken state to my advantage. My friend is tired, it would be cruel of me to keep pushing him. It's time to get him back to bed.

"Well come on." I stamd up and hold my hand out to him. "We can't properly argue when we're both so tired. We'll have to continue this in the morning, or maybe that'll be afternoon."

A weary smile rises onto Jesse lips. He grabs my hand and I hoist him up. Only for his face to flush and arms shoot out for balance. I immediately support him, wrapping an arm around his waist. That one simple action already having him pant. I won't be surprise if I'm dragging his sleeping body into bed.

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