Secrets in our Relationship

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Manuel looked at me, shaking his head. "Theo just said something about the foundation that pissed me off a little. But I just took it on without actually realising how stupid it was..." He trailed off. I smiled at him and said, "Oh don't give in to his crap... You know he can say stuff that can be taken up the wrong way. Don't let him get to you." I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him.


I have just lied. Oh my god....


His face was smiling again and I was relieved. He was such a 'gentle giant' and his smile lit up a whole room. He was my knight in shining armour and my cuddly bear. "I love you" he whispered in my ear. I smiled at him and replied," I love you too!" I hugged him tighter and buried my face in his chest. He kissed my head. The last thing I remember is him lifting me into the bed.


Why am I such an evil person?

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