Building up trust

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He'll be here in two minutes. I had called Erik two days after Lara left. Saying her name and thinking of her broke my heart. "Manuel, good to see you" Erik greeted me at the cafe. I wanted to trust him... But I just couldn't. He smirked in a way that just screamed liar. "You are both liars" I accused him just as he tried to explain. His confused look infuriated me. " Manuel listen, we never had an affair. Ever. She isn't my type and you need to understand that she would do everything for you." Should I believe him? He has a point though... Lara had done and sacrificed so much for me within the last three months. She had already faced paparazzi like there was no tomorrow, she had dropped her summer plans to go to Brazil and now this. "And to say that I don't want to be plastered across the media is putting it mildly. I mean Rafael's rep is at all time lows" Erik continued. It began to click. Lara had always said that she thought that Rafael was a womaniser. I nodded in agreement,"I don't think we need that..." We both smirked. How do I clean this mess up? I believed that Lara was gone...forever.


I have to get out of here. My family don't believe me, my friends hate me and I've lost my best friend... Nothing was cheering me up.

Standing at the gate, I glanced around the hall. Everyone was staring at me, believing all those lies. Manuel had done an interview about all of this last night," Heartbroken is all I can describe this as, but I don't want to think about it. All I want to do now is focus on FCB and the next season."

"You don't deserve him" two women sat down next to me. It felt like I would never be able to get away from all this shit.

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