My back story

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Jacks P.o.v

Dear journal,

Hi my name is Jack Dylan Grazer. Im 15 years old and im Gay.

You guys are probably like 'oh my god your gay im so happy for you,i hope you find someone good for you.' Well being Gay were im from sucks ass. Im known as 'The Gay Kid or The Girly Boy.

Everywhere i go theres a comment about me,when i walk down them shity halls theres whispers about me. But no one is by my side. I have no friends and i get bullied alot like alot.

The only thing a kept to myself is that i have the biggest gay crush on 'Finn Wolfhard' ya ya i know he's famous and im not but a boy can dream right? I always hoped one day he can like my comment....

Like my post or even follow me! But it will never happen. He busy with all his work and stuff. Also he's extremely attractive. Like his cheek bones,his jaw line,his curly hair,and the best of all his freckles

'Oh please let me at least get to go to a concert or a reading table that would be great'

Well thats my story and my secret crush on Finn. Aghh every time i write something i start blushing like crazy. Anyways good night journal.

When Jack went to sleep all he could think about was Finn. Even in Stanger Things The Snow Ball scene he cringed at the meleven kiss. Lets just say he was jealous of Millie but he understand that it was just acting not like he's dateing Millie shes dateing Jacob.

But little did Jack know his life will change shortly.

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