Cry tonight

42 0 0

Angst, happy ending
Jimin's POV

It wasn't always like this, i never had ugly drawings on my wrists, i never had a red painted bathroom floor, i never kept pointy blades on my sink, i never drew, i never felt that i had to... but now i do.

He went out every night, he came back drunk, he smelled of a strong scent of dior perfume, he slurred and tripped, he pointed at me grinning and laughing, he shouted at me and called me a slut, he kicked me out of my own house, he spat at me like i was nothing. He wasn't like this.

I wanted to leave, i wanted to tell him i can't do it anymore, i wanted to tell him i hated him, even though i still love him, i wanted him to understand he was hurting me too much, i wanted to slap him and tell him how much i want him but how i can't have hum because he wasn't the same anymore..

But i didn't, I went home one day earlier than usual, expecting an empty house. However what i saw shocked me, my mind went blank like an empty canvass, i was shaking, crying, my legs felt weak, i couldn't move. There he was, strapped on a chair, his parents stood before him.

"Look at that, your pretty baby is back, guess its time for you to kill him yea? See the blood flow onto this squeaky clean floor, slit his throat with this shiny knife shall we " She smiled creepily sharpening a knife.

"Oh honey, just stop the talking and pass him the knife." I assumed yoongi's step father said.

"Why.. do you want to do this.. please.. just spare his life.. take mine.. i've already done all you wanted me to do.. to protect him from you.. why do you still want to kill him.." yoongi spoke shakingly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh honey all that was just for fun, it was to make you feel the pain, we were still going to kill him. It didn't matter how much you made yourself seem like you cheated and came home drunk, we just wanted to watch all that for fun. Now it's time for the real interesting part" she laughed eyes turning blood red.

"Oh this is going to be fun" spoke the man beside her.

"We're coming for ya.. oh yes we are.." she whispered. Slowly walking towards me while sharpening her knife.

I sat there shaking, i tried to scream but i couldn't it felt as if there was a lump in my throat, i couldnt open my mouth, i teared up, accepting my fate.

"NO STOP!" Yoongi shouted helplessly, crying his eyes out.

"It's.. alright.. it'll be better for the both of us.. i love you.. yoongi-ah.." i spoke weakly but loud enough for him to hear. I smiled lightly before i felt a sharp pain towards the side of my waist

"POLICE! DROP YOU WEAPONS, KNEES ON THE FLOOR, HAND IN THE AIR!" someone bursted into the door right as i was stabbed. "GET A DOCTOR TO TREAT HIM NOW!" he shouted towards his crew.

I was losing blood, lots of it. I felt weak, i couldn't stand, i couldn't hear anything as i fell to the ground. The last thing i saw was yoongi running towards me crying..

Yoongi's POV

"NO! Jimin! Please.. someone save him.. PLEASE!! DO SOMETHING ONE OF YOU.. please.." i sobbed as i knelt down next to the boy i love. It was all too hard, too painful, everything happened to fast.

"Yoongi, it's going to be okay. He'll be in good hands, i'm sorry i ever thought about leaving you with your mother.. i shld have taken custody over you." My dad held my shoulder as he stood behind me watching the love of my life get carried out into the ambulance. I wanted to just cry, i couldn't follow because i knew it would be too painful.

" it's.. it's alright.. you couldn't have done anything.. she made you.." i spoke softly, words barely forming as i hiccuped.

"It's not.. i should've tried to fight for you" my dad sighes as he squeeze my shoulder. "Enough of that.. i guess what's done is done. Come one you need to take a shower and help yourself feel better, you've been through a lot today."

I quietly nodded as i walked behind him towards the police car. I couldn't bother what was happening around me anymore all i wanted to know was if my Jimin was alright.


Hey guyss so yea its been so long and i decided to write another oneshot even though people probably wouldn't read it.

Well hope you enjoyed this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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