Chapter 14

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The van shook and bounced as it barrelled down the...well, road would be a generous term. I wasn't looking out any windows, but I was familiar with these roads enough to know that we hadn't even made it to the gravel part yet. Nikolai liked his privacy for obvious, nefarious reasons. Because of that, he always had his base set up on isolated and ill-maintained roads. This one certainly hadn't gotten better since I travelled it two weeks ago with the same, albeit much bloodier, bullet wounds. Seemed I was going to have to grin and bear it all over again.

Another hole in the road sent me flying up and testing the limits of the bench seat's restraints. Nathan noticed and put a large hand on my shoulder to help keep me steady. He was strapped in on the bench seat at my head, Silas at my feet. North was the one driving while Karl kept a line of communication open with Corey from the other van in case we were separated.

A large warm hand settled over my knees as Silas tried to help hold me down as well.

Apparently refusing to go to the hospital meant that Karl wanted to just put me out of my misery on the way to the airport.

"How ya doin' back there?" Karl called, as if he knew I had been glaring at the back of his head.

I didn't deign to give him a response. I was still recovering from the amatuer field med performed on me. How did he think I was doing?

A snort sounded from above me, breaking the steely glare I had been sending to the back of Karl's head. I looked up, meeting bright blue eyes that shone with quiet amusement.

Nathan cleared his throat. "I think she's okay, considering."

He was barely able to get the words out through his mirth, but Karl seemed as oblivious to Nathan's amusement as he had been to my slight ire. Karl just kept the headset on as he listened in on whatever Corey was saying. "That's good," he said distractedly.

"Where's Corey taking us?" Nathan asked with a frown.

"Well we're not going back to the hotel, if that's what you're asking," Karl said. "Did you leave anything important there?"

From my vantage point, I could see Nathan frown. "Nothing that can't be replaced. Gabe might throw a fit though. He was really excited for the whole 'Russian combat' themed wardrobe. His words, not mine." The last bit he added on when he saw Karl's raised eyebrow. "I think he even worked with Raven to get some pointers about...what was it?"

"Professional Russian," Silas' deep voice rumbled up from my feet.

I glanced down at him, meeting his eyes, and he flashed me a smile that was bright against his olive-toned skin. I didn't know what to do, so I just glanced away. In my experience, guys Silas' size weren't friendly people. They were usually the obedient muscle. Of course, I hadn't been in the best of company throughout my life either.

"Right," Nathan said. "That."

"So we're not going to the hotel, are we getting another one in a new location?" North asked from up front.

"If worst comes to shove, we might hole up somewhere in Estonia, but only if we need to. Our priority is to get her back stateside and treated," he turned in his seat, meeting my eyes. "Are you sure we can't stop for the hospital? We could leave the country first before we stop."

I was already shaking my head before he even finished talking. "You don't know how far Nikolai's...Ivanov's reach goes. And it won't just be my death you'll be risking. You'll be risking everyone on your team. You'll be risking your family. And your team's family. He's as cold as he is vindictive, and it won't matter if they're women, children, innocent...he'll erase your bloodline from history, and he won't stop until everyone involved has paid their penance in his eyes."

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