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You're honestly
a mystery to me.
You don't like Sinatra,
you hate Christmas songs;
When either of them comes on,
I can't help but sing along.
You don't like snow,
but I love watching the world go
from a riot of color
to a blanket of white.

You're always up late at night.
I go to sleep by 8:30,
I like to wake up early
to see the sun rise.
We have different things we prioritize.

I see life through a lens,
you're camera shy.
You're not the most outgoing guy.
I'm gregarious, I hate to be alone.
I'm prone
to being spontaneous,
and I'm quite miscellaneous.
You're the exact opposite.

We're quite different,
it's something anyone can see,
yet you're incredibly special to me.
We seem to coexist just fine;
I'm not disinclined
to experiencing the world with you.

Habits of the HeartWhere stories live. Discover now