мy вleѕѕιng

41 4 1

She likes
to tell me
that she
didn't believe
in love
at first sight
until she held me
in her arms.

She vowed
to make sure
I lived a life
full of love,
free from harm.

She's taught me
many things;
How to read
and how to
tie my shoes,
that it's
okay to lose.
That when you
make a promise,
you should always
follow through.
She makes me feel
as if there's there's
nothing I can't do.

She's the person
I look to
when things
go awry,
she pulls me into
her arms
and my tears
quickly dry.

She's taught me
and love.
I have to stop
and thank
the Lord above,
for blessing me
with the life I lead,
and the woman
who's given me

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