тнe world oғ gιrlѕ

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I've always wondered
what it would be like
to have a girlfriend,
and when I say that
people look at me funny
because they think I mean intimately.
Honestly, I do it deliberately
so I can have a laugh
before I begin to explain
that I've never remained
in one place long enough
to make a lasting friend,
let alone
a girlfriend.
Someone to spend the night
laughing and gossiping;
We'd swap stories and lip gloss
and we'd emboss
our nails in pastel colors
as we got to know each other.
We'd talk about boys
and other frivolous topics,
and maybe she'd teach me how to use a mascara wand
without the end product looking catastrophic.
We'd go on shopping trips
and she could give me tips
on how to dress like I'm fifteen
and not forty-five.
I've been deprived
of a female presence,
surrounded by boys
who seem to be omnipresent.
I'm not a typical girls-girl,
but I fantasize about
being inducted into their world.

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