вegιnnιng agaιn

30 10 0

with you
is like something
out of the movies.
Each day
is a new adventure,

Life is a gift,
something to be
thankful for,
there's always
something wonderful
in store now that
you're apart of mine.

The stars
must have aligned,
they must have
crossed right,
because your presence
has made me see
everything in a new light.

Everywhere I go,
I wear a smile
on my face
and my heart
on my sleeve.

I believe
the sun shines
a little brighter,
the grass is greener,
and the waters are clearer.
Life with you holds
an unparalleled splendor,
and there's not
a single contender
because nothing
and no one has ever
made me feel this way.

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