Author's Notice

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Hey guys! So, this is kind of awkward, seeing as it's been a few years since I posted anything on this story.

But, if I have any readers out there, old or new, who were wondering where the hell I've been or if I will ever update, I have some good news: I have found some new inspiration and determination and am currently working through a new chapter for the story.

 Life these past few years has been kind of weird. I've gone in and out of phases, fallen out of and back in love with 5sos and PJO, and I've matured as a person and a writer. I hope to bring my new experience and grammar to the table this time around. 

I won't make false promises about being available to update often. I am a senior now and my life has gotten very hectic, as I am trying to figure out what to do as I go on to college (shudder) and all that crap, along with competition marching band starting soon, which will suck up my life. 

But, I did want to let anyone know who is still around on Wattpad all these years later that I care about my readers and I still care about 5sos and this story. Even though I haven't updated in a very long time, I think about Demi very often. I think of what it could have been, and I get sad thinking I couldn't deliver that to you guys when you wanted it.

Writer's block is a hard thing to overcome, and with me it was always easier to ignore writing and the people enjoying my story than to actually try to work it out. It's especially hard for a story like this, because back then I realized I had no ideas on where the plot of Demi was going. 

One thing I've learned over these years though is that it's never too late to go back to a story and giving up on something can haunt you. Sounds dramatic, but here I am again, publishing this A/N even though I'm not sure anyone even cares about my story anymore. 

Anyway, it's 1 am, and I've re-edited Demi to my liking, which means that tomorrow I can pick back up on that half-baked chapter I was working on years ago (oof I sound old) and churn out something new and exciting for you guys in a short amount of time. I hope to write longer, more focused chapters in the future and actually publish them, lol. I hope that some of you guys still care and would like to read. 

It's been a few years since I've logged back into Wattpad on this specific account and it makes me sad I wasn't able to respond to everyone back then. Sorry for being nostalgic and dramatic, I just am upset with myself but pumped for the future, because I have faith now that after some research, I could really make this interesting. Wattpad was my life a few years ago, and it helped me through a lot of rough times, just like 5sos. 

As a side note, I also realize 5sos and PJO are a little outdated things to like. Looking back, I was a little naive when it came to 5sos, they're a bit problematic I realize, but I loved their music and personalities and I would like to remember my time obsessing over them in a positive light. I'm not sure anyone even reads or cares about the Percy Jackson series anymore, but I've been an avid fan since second grade. Still waiting on that TV show...

Leave a comment or a vote if you would like. Feel free to message me about your favorite ships (if any), where you think this story is going, etc. I would love to hear your thoughts. 

Thanks fam, sincerely, 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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