[5] capture the flag

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The next few days I was able to settle myself into a routine at camp that felt almost normal, discluding the fact I was being taught by satyrs, a centaur, and some half-god kids.

In the mornings, Annabeth and Percy helped teach me Ancient Greek. Honestly, I was crap at it, but Percy would just laugh and make some witty comments about having reverse demigod dyslexia, while Annabeth seriously tried to teach me. It just didn't come naturally to me. I guess Artemis never had to worry about her grades.

After that, I mostly had outdoor activities - for example, after Greek I had sword training with Luke, Percy, and Calum.

Ashton and Chiron were with me for archery, and, well, I felt like shit compared to Ashton. Yes, our parents were both talented with the bow, but Ashton - he was just insane. It drove me up a wall because I felt insignificant. That was my best skill, archery... and I sucked. At least, I wasn't as good as Ashton.

Michael, Percy, and about five other kids were in my group for Winged Horseback Riding, which was right before lunch.

After lunch I had Monster Assault Techniques with Calum. There were other campers there, and a dude I didn't know taught the lessons.

On Mondays and Thursdays, I had Arts & Crafts with Luke and Annabeth. Some giggly nymphs led the class, and they were all over Luke. I mean, he was cute. But still.

Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays I participated in canoeing with Percy and Ashton. Again, I felt like a total loser. I sucked, basically, while Percy and Ashton excelled.

Wednesdays and Sundays I would have the climbing wall with both Calum and Michael.

There was an hour for swim and beach time, as well as for free time (and cabin cleanup). Dinner was served, and after that it usually was a bonfire. Every Friday there was capture the flag.

All in all, I was a pretty untalented demigod, and I felt like everyone was watching me and expecting me to act differently, just because my mom was Artemis. It made me uncomfortable.

Despite this, the camp was good. I enjoyed spending time with people like me and not having to worry about monsters coming after me. I got used to the sunny days, the morning fogs, the beautiful strawberry acres, and even the strange noises that came from the woods at night. I became accustomed to eating alone at my table, and it wasn't so bad. Secretly though, I thought even eating with Michael would be less boring than sitting alone.

I still missed my dad a ton, considering it had only been a few days. I arrived on a Saturday afternoon, and the past week had gone quite fast.


It was the third day of me participating in camp activities when I had my first sword lesson. There was a big crowd of campers there, though the only ones I recognized were Calum, Luke, and Percy (who was teaching the lesson). It took place in the big circular arena, and everyone crowded around Percy.

He explained what we were going to learn, and then we got to pick out our swords.

We did some basic stabbing, slashing, the like, practicing with stuffed dummies in armor. The problem was that the sword was feeling heavy, and I couldn't exactly hold it right. I was grumbling the entire time because sword fighting was not my strong point. Whatsoever.

Once Percy deemed we had warmed up enough and had practiced enough not to accidentally kill each other, we were put into dueling pairs. I ended up being with Luke, while Calum was with Percy.

I sighed, not exactly excited. Percy was good, and he was a son of Poseidon, meaning that Luke was probably decent as well. And I was horrible.

"Hi," Luke said awkwardly.

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