[6] infirmary

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 Slowly I let myself wake up, a groan of pain emitting from my mouth as I began to feel an earsplitting headache coming on. My eyes slitted in the dim light, and I tried to move.

Where am I?  I asked myself, turning my head to and fro, trying to gather my senses.  I was in a bed, covered in sheets. All around me, I could hear the bustle of other people, and I noticed rows upon rows of other beds and cots.

Everything suddenly came back to me, and I felt my head with one hand. The welt I had was huge. 

Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see Calum and Michael.

It surprised me, in the least, to see those two together. I'd only been here a week, and I knew that Calum didn't like Michael - or, he thought he was weird or something. I knew Michael hated Calum, so the fact they were standing silently next to each other confused me a bit.

"Glad to see you're awake," Michael said sheepishly.

Calum glared at him. "Oh shut up, you're the idiotic one that knocked her out in the first place."

I rolled over so that my head was in the pillow. "Don't talk, either of you. My skull hurts really badly."

It came out sort of muffled, but Michael huffed and continued anyways.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know she was going to black out."

Calum rolled his eyes. "The game was over, the hit over the head wasn't needed. Anyways, she told us to be quiet." He reminded him.

I figured out quickly that there was no way I was going to be able to go back to sleep. My head felt like a sledgehammer was being rammed into it, and all the people and satyrs and nymphs running around didn't help anything.

Sitting up, I rubbed a hand down my face. "So. Why are you here?"

Michael stuttered "to apologize" while Calum said, "to see if you were awake yet".

I narrowed my eyes. "How long was I out?"

Calum shrugged. "It's been about a day now."

"...And that's not a big deal?" I said, straightening.

Calum shook his head. "I'm not saying it's a walk in the park, but sometimes people are in here for a week. Longer, occasionally. Someone ended up in a coma, once. Only lasted about three weeks though, and then one day they just suddenly woke up."

"Wonder how that happened," I muttered.

Michael held out a drink to me. "Here, you need to drink this."

I took it from him, eyeing the caramel colored liquid suspiciously. "What's in here?"

"Stuff that'll make you better," he said, and Calum huffed.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing," Calum said, shaking his head.

I continued looking at him for a moment, wondering why he was in such a sour mood. Flitting my eyes to the caramel liquid, I took the straw between my lips and drank a little bit.

The second the drink was in my system, I felt much better. Slowly the pain from my skull started receding, and warmth started working its way down my body. I let out a contented noise and stopped drinking the coffee/caramel tasting drink to ask Michael a question.

"What is this stuff? It's amazing!" I asked.

Michael shrugged. "It's ambrosia. Food of the gods. I'd be careful though. If you drink too much of it, your insides might catch on fire. We use it in small doses to cure pains and such."

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