[4] talking with chiron

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After the bonfire, Calum had escorted me back to my cabin. He told me Chiron would talk with me in the morning, and, well... right now it's the morning.

Pulling on a grey shirt I'm assuming Annabeth had given me, along with my leather vest, ripped jeans, and combat boots, I sat outside on the steps of the Artemis cabin, waiting for the centaur, or anybody really, to show up.

Morning activities for the normal campers had already started. It was about 7 in the morning. Most people, I think, had gotten over the fact that I was Artemis's kid pretty quickly. Either that or they decided I was no longer exciting to look at. Either was fine with me. I honestly didn't like the attention that much, anyways.

I heard someone clear their throat, and when I looked up, I was startled to see it was Michael. His green eyes were focused on me. Without saying anything, he beckoned with his hands. I just remained seated, a little bit surprised at his presence.

I had expected Calum to come, of all people. I didn't know him very much, but he made me feel comfortable. Michael...Well, he put me on edge.

"What do you want?" I blurted out, sounding ruder than I intended to be.

Michaels stood there, his hair a complete mess, with another pair of ripped skinny jeans on and a checkered shirt. "Chiron told me to get you," was all he said.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I got up. "Okay, but I was expecting Calum."

"Calum can't always focus on you. That was a one-day thing. He's probably off battle training," Michael said bluntly.

"Before breakfast?" I questioned, even more confused.

"You woke up late, I bet no one told you, but breakfast is at 6 am sharp," he replied, his face a mixture of smugness and impatience. "So he's already eaten."

"Well, that's just great," I muttered to myself.

"This way," Michael said over his shoulder as he walked casually, and I followed, wondering why the hell Chiron would ever pick Michael to guide me around camp.

"Why are you here, though?" I asked.

"I'm here because I have a free block of time, and Chiron knows it," he snapped. "You know, you're sounding awfully bratty. I could leave you to roam around camp on your own, let you trample into the forest and stumble over something dangerous, and I could let you pick a fight with someone in the Ares cabin. But I'm not doing that. So be mindful that just because you're the daughter of Artemis doesn't mean you get everything."

I could hear the spite in his voice, especially at the end, and a rush of guilt washed over me. I'm being selfish, I decided.

"Sorry, Michael, I'm new to this," I sighed, rubbing a hand across my face tiredly.

"I figured," he muttered to himself, starting to walk faster as we passed the pavilion.

Soon we passed the volleyball courts, and I ended up on the porch to the Big House, standing beside Michael in an awkward silence as we waited for Chiron to show up.

I was standing, bored and restless when finally I heard hooves clomping on the path where we had come. Turning around, I smiled as I noticed the centaur.

"Hi, Chiron, sir. Nice to meet you," I said, sticking out my hand, which he took.

A rumble makes its way through his chest. "Hello, Demi. It's a pleasure. And hello, Michael. Thanks for dropping Demi off, feel free to go hang out in the commons area, theatre starts at nine o'clock, I believe."

Michael nodded and glanced my way one more time before trudging off, hands shoved in his pockets.

Chiron sighed as he watched him go. "The poor kid. He's very lonely."

I just nodded, wanting to get to the point. "Ah, so sir, you wanted to talk to me?"

The man nodded. "Yes. I'd first like to welcome you to sit down, maybe?"

I nodded and carefully followed after Chiron, watching my steps behind his.... other half. We walked a bit around the wrap around porch until we reached the other side, where a table was set up. After I had managed to sit down, Chiron began talking.

"I'd like to welcome you to Camp Half Blood. I've very glad you found us," he said, a grim smile on his face. "Now, I know that your parent has claimed you, so to say, and I also know that parent is Artemis, of all the gods," he continued, shaking his head.

"She has made a bold move, claiming you as her daughter. This proves, yet again, that not all Olympian gods can keep their oaths. Olympus is probably a raging hell right now," he sighed.

A boom of thunder could be heard, and Chiron just looked up to the sky. "I'm not blaming you, Zeus, for the love of gods!" He yelled up at the sky. It was a bit strange. But then again, what did I know? I just got here.

He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I'm glad Calum has gotten you settled in. The Minotaur was taken care of yesterday by some of our senior campers, so the border should be clear. I am sorry about your dad." He added.

I just sighed. "Nothing you can do about it."

Chiron dipped his head. "Still, it's not very pleasant."

"Yeah," I agreed.

"So anyway, I was planning on giving you your schedule last night, but instead I'm giving it to you today. Your training will start tomorrow. I tried to organize it so that you're with some senior campers throughout the day - for example, Annabeth, Ashton, and Percy. To keep you comfortable, the other classes you have with either Michael or Calum."

I groaned internally. Chiron must seriously care about Michael. Putting a smile on my face, I said, "That sounds great."

"And, I know you missed breakfast, so please, take this apple," Chiron said, amused, as he handed me both the apple and the schedule, which was written on what felt like parchment paper. "Don't miss lunch," he joked.

I nodded and smiled. "Thanks."

"I'd talk to you more, but I don't really want to overwhelm you. I know you know about the gods, so I'm just going to let your fellow campers help you," he finalized.

I got up slowly. "Well, I guess I'll just... hang in the commons area?"

Chiron nodded. "Sorry you're not doing very much today."

Walking away from the porch and the centaur, I shook my head. This was so crazy. I was finally at my safe haven, this camp for demigods - how did it even all work out?


Sorry for the short update! This is my quadruple update, fourth in a day, so I decided to end it shortly. Hopefully this story isn't horrible, I'm trying my very best. Well, it's 6 in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep yet, so I'm off to bed!

Vote, comment, etc!

Thank you, love you all ~


demi 》5sos {au}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt