Don't speak

19 2 0

Person 1

I lay my head down, to enter a slumber that is long overdue.

I've never been good at getting to sleep, I'm afraid of the nightmares I have every night, I've had them since a kid and I still can't get used to them. But I got to sleep, and I had a dream...about you, it went like this.

(Started out weird)

I'm in an area with hundreds of people. They're being catered to whilst they have conversation amongst themselves. I notice the food being tampered with- eating wasnt a choice. There were men and women questioning me "Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry? Theres more if you want it" and I was starving, but lied and told them I already had 3 plates of their delicious spaghetti.

I'm in a large group of kids my age, they all have someone to talk to and they're giving me bitch ass looks that make me want to punch them.

Im such an outcast.

Then I notice very large doors opening, surrounded by guards.

People are leaving? People can leave?

What an odd question for me to have, I notice. Why would I assume I couldn't leave this place?

Oh yeah, I never tried.

The people leaving are holding bowls. Theres a long line of people outside a kitchen, awaiting their bowl. No one cuts in line and no one is questioned, because the guards would never think someone to be such a rebel. So I'm easily able to skip the people in line, they look irritated and say nothing, I must have a reason...right?

Why am I doing this?

I thought to myself, but I didn't have enough time to answer that question, I was next. A hectic woman quickly places a bowl of blue cake batter in my hands and tells me

"Now do as your told, take this to the master and return as soon as possible, we will know if you've been gone too long"

She pushed me through the other side and I was before the giant doors. I knew no one would know of me being gone, there's too many people, why would they be focused on me? I knew she was lying, but it scares all the others enough to make them come back.

I leave through the doors as I watch people go one direction, I assume they know where this master is. I wonder off, out of site. I find myself in an abandoned town, not a ritzy town, but one like you'd see in Mexico, or some foreign land.

The run down and cement homes with no doors or glass windows, with little to nothing in them, comfort me. I'm exploring inside of one, when I hear sudden foot steps getting closer, I'm scared,

Do they know of me wandering off??

Of course not, that's non-sense. I watch the door-way as an innocent line of people jog their way across my line of view. They look like they're simply following a trail for exercise. This was confusing, but I said nothing, in fear of being caught.

Then I saw you run by

You had one of your friends running with you. I stare blankly for a second you glanced at me, but appeared un-phased, did I really just see you? Without thinking, I ran after you, I didn't know what I was gonna do, or say, but I knew I needed to run for you,  but In my time of processing seeing you, you ran a far way ahead.

No one seems to notice I wasn't there before, they're too concerned with their personal bubble. I catch up to your friend, but not you.

"Hey!" She says as she stops for a break off trail. It's just the two of us. It hurts to hear her being so kind to me,

Maybe she doesnt know what I've done.

"Hey" I say back, as happily as I can, even though I feel like crying.

"I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" She says.

"Good" I reply.

I begin to realize that I do know her, I know what I've done to her best friend, but I don't remember ever being anhwhere other than that place with the huge metal doors and tanted food.

I get a rush of fake happiness, like I'm supposed to be 'bestest buds' with her, for some reason. I smile brightly and wondered where you were. So I aksed her. "Oh, I didn't realize she was gone, I think she took a quick break, but I assumed she'd be caught up by now." "Hop on my back, lets go find her"

"Okay..." I let her give me a piggy back you. We're back in the run down cement homes,

I see you.

You're crying, but trying to hide it. Your friend, confused, runs to comfort you, I stay behind, knowing I caused those tears to slowly roll down your face. I run to the room next to the one you're in, you cry and tell her "I can't believe I saw her. I know I shouldn't be sad, I know I should hate her, but I can't. I can't hate her, and it hurts." I hear you say as your friend comforts you "I know, I know, it's gonna be okay" she responded.

I'm sitting on the floor with my head leaned against the wall in sorrow, listening to the heartbreaking sounds of your broken heart. You lean your head aginst the wall, in a pensive mode.

Your head is leaning against the wall, in the same spot mine is. We're leaning on each other, but a cement wall is blocking our view, we're leaning against each other, but don't realize it. I put my hand against the wall,

"I'm sorry"

P.s.This "book" is basically just short stories about (mainly) old friends.

I can't control what I dream about, I wish I could.

I'll try to write the stories/dreams in order and group all of the chapters back to back for the same person. This is person 1, person or people 2 might be a different friend or family or something.

Enjoy my crazy dreams.

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