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Person 3

I lay my head down, to enter a trippy slumber.

This slumber was a result of a VERY dangerous activity that I did with my friend. He shot himself in the head a year later, but survived.

"Do this" you told me.

"Inhale short breaths and exhale big breaths really fast" it will cause you to pass out for 30 seconds, it's like being high.

You showed me. You fell to the ground for 30 seconds. You said you had crazy dreams when you did it. So I gave it a go.

Inhlae small breaths, exhale big breaths. I did it super fast, and fell to the ground. Everything was black, I woke up dizzy. I didn't know how long I had been down, but I assumed 30 seconds.

I told him I didn't have a dream, then he told me to do it quicker and really try. So I did. It was very trippy, like a psychedelic trip almost.

I watched myself fall to the ground of the meadow we were in. Then I looked acrossed the land, 3 wolves stood there. Then time started flying by fast, sky changing from night to day hundreds of times in seconds, the wolves bodies were growing weaker and weaker, they became thin.

I can see the whole meadow, it's dying along with the wolves, soon the wolves are nothing but bone, the grass is dead, and I see myself lying on the ground. It felt like it all happened in less than a minute, like I aged jurrastically in 45 seconds.

I woke up and you told me you were scared, you thought I died. I asked you what you meant, it was only a few seconds,

You responded "Becky, you were passed out for well over 10 minutes"

My perception of time was obviously altered, I saw what seemed to be 50 years worth of time, In 30 seconds (to me) but over 10 minutes, to you. 3 different time perceptions.

I grew worried and watched as you did it again, but I was too scared to.

Heading to bed now, I'm scared.

I've had nightmares since I was 4, the only time my dreams aren't scary are when I (rarely) dream of friends. Like I've had a total of 3 dreams in that past like 4 years, all else have been nightmares.

Tonight I can feel the anxiety, I can't get scary images out of my head, hope you all sleep well though.

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