Get over it!

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Ari's POV:

"Why are you cryin?" I asks Cey as soon as she calmed her crying down. She sat there quiet for awhile until she finally told me.

"I don't even know! When Tay, said couple, I freaked out! Brent and I are are supposed to be best friends! Not a couple!"

"Don't you like him?" I ask curiously.

"Of course! Like a lot...But he wouldn't like me like that, would he?" She looks at me with her clear Hazel eyes.

"Yeah! He would and he does!" I say for a fact because I asked Jc once.


"Who is it?" I ask as I get up and open the door. I open the door to see Brent standing there, hand at his neck scratching it, and looking at the ground.

"Hey!" I say cheerfully.

"Hey, Can I talk to her?" He ask me.

"Ya sure! Bye Cey!" I close the door behind me and walk to Jc.

Cey's POV:

"Hey, Can I talk to her?" I hear Brent ask. Ari! You better say no! I say in my mind.

"Ya sure! Bye Cey!" You don't know how bad I wanted to flip her off, like really bad!

"C-Cey?" I hear Brent say. I say nothing.

"Look, you probably hate me right now but please hear me out! I'm sorry for what I did out there, you have a right to be mad! But why did you run and cry?" I sigh not wanting to answer but I had to.

"Because Brent! I thought we were just best friends, you kissed me and what Tay said made me feel worse and confused!"I tell him all in one breath. I stand up and sit at the edge of my bed with Brent.

"I'm sorry Cey! I really am! I didn't know I just-"

"LEAVE ME ALONE SAM!" Brent gets cut off by Ari screaming at Sam.

"I'll be right back Brent stay in here." I say walking out of my room to whatever the hell is going on.

"What the Hell is going on?!" I say as I round the corner to see Jc furious holding Sam to the wall, Tay trying to pull Jc off of Sam, and A horrified Ari.

"Sam hit me!" Ari says as Jc gets away from Sam and Sam walks up to Ari.

"What kinda hit? Be-" I'm cut off because Sam slaps Ari's ass. OH HELL NO, MY HOUSE MY RULES! He just broke a rule.

"SAM GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yell at him. He looks shocked as he walks towards the door and walks out. I fall to the ground crying. Just to much to take in.

"OMG! Look!" She says and nods to the window lightly..Sam is standing there looking in the window. I run out there and tackle him.

"I told you to go the fuck away!"

"And!? Your NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" Sam yells back. That got me pissed, I start slapping and punching him. Jc had to come out and get me off of Sam.

"YOUR ALL CRAZY!" Sam yells running down the street.

He'll get a serious beat down if I see him again.


Hey! It's Cey! Um so I left on a cliff hanger because I was flippin tired asf! This chapter would of been longer...Sorry for my tiredness! I will try and update sooner, and make the next chapter longer. So THIS time since I'm re-writing the little endings I do, I shall make up a name!

Kbyee my Sugary-Lollipop Donut Holes....Wrapped in Turkey?!?

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