Part 4

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We had a half-hour to strategize. The other team would expect a fake-out. Therefor to defend their flag they would have positioned a heavy defense on the front lines sending but a few scouts to claim our flag. Their flag would be defended by whoever was left. Despite their heavy infantry we would be able to easily slip past them and defeat what few guards were left. 

"They will clump in 3 sections on the left-right and center leaving about 800 meters between." She had explained. "We will sneak in through the gaps, you won't have any paths to follow so make sure you are will a veteran. We need a special force to sneak around back, it will take longer, but if we are vigilant we may just get it in time."

They would not expect us to sneak around back to take the flag when no one was looking and swing from the treetops back across the stream, but that was our game plan. As anticipated none of the other leaders had suspected it, neither did the majority of the enemy except one. And that one, that was the one who our downfall.

I heard a faint and desperate whistle, signaling a raid. I ordered everyone to put up their defenses. We encircled the big rock and waited. There was a cry for backup off to our left, silently I signaled 1/3rd of our force to go and help, assuming about 10 people were attacking one of our scouts. Then again to our right no more than 2 minutes later, I signaled 1/2 of the remaining soldiers over then the bushes rustled behind us.

"I'll stay here guard the right-left and front, everyone else to the back," I ordered. And I was left alone. Before long I heard the soft patter of feet, I could hear swords clanging behind the rock. Elaine came sprinting out of the trees hardly breathing hard she didn't have her guns out instead she had a long sword that glowed red. It wasn't made out of Celestial Bronze. Her sword was not as triangular as mine was, it was longer and it looked lighter. I rushed forward to meet her. She rose her blade slightly, her other hand rising as well, the clang of the metal on metal rang in my ears. Her footwork was perfect as she grasped my wrist before I could react, she pulled me close to her. She slipped her foot in between mine hooking her toes on my left ankle she shoved me behind her and kicked up her foot sending my ankle above my head. I hit a tree quite hard as she sprinted to the rock and taking the flag, she wasn't even bothered by the heavy mist that surrounded the rock. 

Then she took off again, she was fast. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me but she seemed to be going faster and faster every few steps. Arrows whizzed past my ears I heard to cries of my teammates chasing after her, I picked it up so I was running so fast I was afraid I'd fall on my face. We were only 100 meters from the stream when a root, out of NOWHERE tripped me. I fell flat on my face just as she crossed the stream. I heard the horn signaling the end of the game. I rolled onto my back, breathing heavily. 

Elaine appeared above me, she rolled her eyes and smiled softly, the smile I see in the mirror every day, it was the broken smile of someone masking their pain. She held out her hand for me to take. I returned the same smile and took her hand.

"You know, you were pretty fast out there. You ran pretty fast my friend." She said as she helped me up. I realized she wasn't breathing too heavily. 

"How far?"

"Almost 4 miles, at about 5:15 pase, 4:39 that last one I think." She said with a smile.

"What does that mean?" She gave a half-hearted laugh glancing at the ground.

"It means," She explained. "That you ran 5 minute and 15-second mile." I nodded still not quite understanding it but getting the idea, we were fast. "Your bleeding, by the way, let's see, elbow knees shin, chin, and hands. Nothing too bad I hope writs, knees, ankles, and ribs feeling good?"

"You slammed me against a tree, and I tripped going like 20 miles an hour what do you think?" I asked smiling widely.

"Hey, you got in my way, and I didn't ask you to chase me or keep up with me either." She held her hands up in defense. I met Annabeth on the path back.

Gone and away. A Percy Jackson Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now