Part 5

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It wasn't until 2 weeks later, with a lot of hard work and coordination, that we finally got the whole Gods not claiming Elaine situation sorted out. Chiron had left for 3 days to attempt to get it all sorted out with Zuse. When he came back with the news, he told the counsellors first, not really knowing what to think about it. That is where we are right now, in a room that was hot and stuffy waiting for the words to be said.

"I finally got Zuse and Hera to allow me a 20-minute conference. I asked about Elaine, why no one had claimed her. Neither he nor Hera answered me, instead they insisted on a council meeting." Chiron said when he finally got the Stoll brothers to stop messing with Nico's hair and kept Nico from murdering them. When he spoke those words, we all froze, a council meeting that wasn't about ending the world! We watched chiron's every move in dead silence. "Anyway, when all the Gods arrived, no one was very happy. I then presented my case again. None of the Gods could look at me. Finally after a lot of huddling and whispering Hera spoke."

"She is dangerous," Hera said her voice harsh, but also calm. "She is quite like our Perseus, she is studious she is kind and she is very strong and brave. However, she is also extremely powerful."

She looked to Demeter who took over.

"She is the child of Hera, Grandchild of Hephaestus and Apollo, blessed with the gifts of Posiden, Zuse, Hades, Athena, Artemis, and Aries," Demeter said. "She has harboured a few of their powers each. We personally don't know which ones, but we do know she is incredibly powerful. She knows of her lineage which is why no one has claimed her." Hera interrupted.

"Her mother was dear to Apollo, as well to me. She was an incredible paediatrician and would have made such a great mother sadly she was unable to bear children. With pity in my heart, I took the liberty of disguising myself as her. I took her place for 3 days. When I became pregnant I transfer the child to her womb and returned to Olympus. Elaine was born at 32 weeks with a heart defect. Elaine's mother was so very piteous and kind upon hearing of the babies unfortunate arrival many of the gods blessed her." Not much more was said. Instead, they went into full detail about how Elaine's mother was respectful and respected. Hera continued to defend her choices to Chiron who eventually was dismissed.

Everyone stood stunned at Chiron's story. We then took Elaine into our own hands, we then decided that she would sleep with her siblings in the Hera Cabin. I was voluntold by Annabeth to go and get her to tell her what would happen from then on. I didn't argue with her instead I rolled my eyes kissed her and ran off. I found Elaine finishing her hour long run at the Hermies cabin. She walked in just as the baby started to cry. 

"Thank you, Adaline, for watching the kids." She hugged her sister. She took the baby from Adaline and stroked the child's cheek, she changed the baby's diaper on the bed then grabbed the stack of clothes on the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I walked into the cabin and sat down on Travis' bed. I tried talking to Adeline, jet, even Jason and Caroline the two youngest just stared at me then went back to playing the two older just ignored me.

When Elaine returned her tanned skin was glistening with water she was dressed in sweats and a long sleeve tee. The baby was wrapped in a swaddle and fast asleep. She set the baby down in the car seat and turned to me.

"What do you want?" She sounded frustrated, peeved would be a better word.

"Hey, I have been nothing but be friendly to you." I smiled. "Anyway, Chiron needs you."

She rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Why?" She asked.

"We know...Thought you might want to be there when we decide your sentence." I said my face stone cold. She wasn't amused. She took out the stroller, put Jason in the front facing seat and Sadie in the car seat above it, and herded Adaline and Jet and Coraline out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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