Where my Hart belongs

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"Cadets Annie Leonhart and (Y/N) Jaeger, step forward!" Called out Commander Keith, you and Annie took a step forward and saluted. "It seems that out of everyone, you two appear to be the least useless! Your ability to communicate and plan an attack on the fly has shown a competence the rest of your number seem to lack." You were surprised that you and Annie had come out the victors, you knew that you had preformed well, better then you'd initially expected even. Yet you were sure Mikasa and Eren or Reiner and Bertolt would come out on top, but apparently Mikasa just sliced Titan parts before Eren could even begin to think of making call outs, Bertolt wasn't confident enough which cost them too many points and a combination of both was true for Krista and Ymir. "Clearly you two can at least understand commands, as a reward your relieved of duty for the rest of the day."

"Sir! Thank you sir!" Both you and Annie saluted.

"Dismissed!" The Commander sent the other cadets for a round of cleaning their gear before giving them ten press-ups for every point in difference between them and you and Annie. You felt hot burning in your back, turning around you saw Mikasa starring blankly at you, her eyes betraying the anger and the spark of hatred she was trying to hide. She held your gaze for a full second, then moved away to follow Eren as if sensing he was walking too far ahead.

"What was that about?" Annie asked curiously. For a while you kept your eyes on Mikasa, then turned and walked away.

"Just family matters." You told her, unwilling to go into anything more. Mikasa's distain for you had grown considerably recently since you outshine Eren most days, in almost every aspect you were now his superior. All eyes were usually on you as your natural skill and easy personality attracted popularity, you were now everything Eren wanted to be.

And that made you an enemy to Mikasa, someone who emotionally was hurting Eren.

The commander was fighting down an assessment of the pair of you, his face looked concerned as he did so.

Annie Leonhart. Gifted with a sword, but doesn't exactly play well with others. Though she appears to have developed something a partnership with at least one of her fellow cadets.

(Y/N) Jaeger. As dedicated as his twin and possibly as stubborn boot, yet also far more intelligent and skilled in his ability to learn. Though there is also an underlining aggression that borders on the ferocious when agitated. Like his twin the possibility he could get overhead excited and do something stupid is always a worry, but it gives him an edge that could make him true soldier.


Your heart was beating out of your chest as you and Annie changed out of your gear. It was something you'd done countless times with nearly every member of the 104th cadet core, changing with the girls was an important part of a soldiers life as you might have to suddenly rush into your gear in an emergency. It wasn't like you were stripping down out of uniform or anything, it was simply just removing the jacket, and thick parka in Annie's case, to tie the harness on. Yet for some reason, after the breathtaking moment of beauty radiating from her, the prospect of having to stand with her while she changed was daunting. At first you had simply put that heart stopping moment down to the sun, it was just the way the light had caught her. But if that was the case then why was your heart in your throat still, why when she took off her jacket and Parker to reveal the shirt and her incredibly slim figure, did face burn with blush?

Annie, mercifully, didn't seem to notice your gawking which you were thankful for, especially since at one point she had bent down to pull the harness from over her legs and had accidentally pushed her buttock in the air.

"So Annie?" You asked trying to hide your... well you turned around so your front wasn't seen. "Since we got the rest of the day off, what are you going to do now?" Annie shrugged.

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