Chapter 2

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I awoke the next morning more comfortable than ever. I was warm for once.

I was surrounded by feather comforters. Something heavy was draped around my waist. I was to comfortable to move or to find out what was on me so I just remained where I was.

After about five minutes I realized I needed to pee. I opened my eyes to see warm sunlight streaming through a window. I looked down to my waist to see a very muscular arm wrapped around me.

I instantly tryed to shoot out of bed only to be pulled in even closer. Only this time my skin touch his, litterally jolting him awake.

"Holy shit!" Luke shouted as he fell backwards off the bed.

I ran to the door, only to feel Luke grab my arms and pull me back against him. I knew I was hurting him but he didn't let go.

"Shhh. It's okay, angel." He cooed softly as if he was not at all affected by the electricity. "Just calm down.  I won't let them hurt you anymore."

I immediatly started to calm down and the sparks slowly subsided. I could tell he wasn't human because that much electricity would have fried him to a crisp if he was.

I slowly pulled away and turned around to face him. He was shirtless and his abs were perfectly sculpted.

I blushed furiously and turned away so he wouldn't think I was checking him out. Liking the Official Overseer was about the worst thing I could do.

"You find me attractive." He stated rather than asked. A smirk forming on his lips. He then flexed his pecks while still watching me. "You like?"

I blushed even more if possible before turning around and grabbing the doorknob. I ran to the nearest room in hopes of avoiding further embarrasment.

I turned around to find an enormous bathroom with a jacuzzi big enough to swim in. I went over and turn on the water. Once it was full I dumped in a little too much bubble bath and turned on the jets. I stripped down and lowered myself into the hot water.

I must have been in the tub for three hours when i finally opened my eyes. There were bubbles flowing out on the floor and under the door. I heard someone pounding on the door but when I stood up I slipped and felled backwards into the water. I hit my head on the faucet making it harder to keep focus. I was seeing double and things were blurring in and out. The knocking got louder followed by Luke shouting at me to open the door. All of a sudden the door crashed to the floor as the bubbles swallowed me.

Then it was black.


I woke up in the same room as earlier only this time I was alone.

I can't believe I could survive those tests but I had alnost gotten eaten alive by a bubble bath.

I made my way to the kitchen in hopes someone would be there. Luckly Luke was there.

"Finally you're back. We really need to work on the electrical problem of yours. I about roasted trying to save your bubbly ass." He chuckled

I stared at him with wide eyes when I realized he had probably seen me naked. Okay. Did see me naked.

"Don't worry, Angel." He chuckled "I was a gentleman."

"Thank you." I mouthed. Only sound actually came out. My voice was kinda raspy and barely a whisper but I definitly heard it. And so did Luke.

"Did you just..." Luke trailed off.

I nodded my head. Getting excited.

I could speak.


Authors Note

Hi! I know it's short but I had to get this updated. Please comment!



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