Chapter 3

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There were no words to describe how happy I was. I had been here for years and this whole time I had never said a word. None of the previous patients could speak. I had always just assumed we were not made with that ability. I guess they lied to us about that as well.

I looked at Luke in hopes he had an explanation, but he seemed as confused as I was.

"How?" I question. My voice sounding raspy while my throat felt like sandpaper.

"I don't know. Hold on a sec." He instructed me while holding up a finger.

He grabbed a glass and filled it with hot water then dumped some honey in it before stirring it up. Then he handed me the glass.

"It will loosen you vocal cords so you can sound a little less like a dying goose." He chuckled.

I reached over and playfully smacked his chest while glaring.

"Ouchy." He fake pouted as he rubbed where I hit him. "I expected a little more gratitude. So ungrateful." He scoffed.

I raised an eyebrow at his theatrics, actually finding this very amusing.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit before Luke spoke up.

"Well, since you can now speak, mind if I ask what your name is?

I raised an eyebrow at him. Shouldn't he know that already being 'Official Overseer' and all? After a couple of seconds I cleared my throat.

"T.S. 1192." I recited my label as I had heard it a hundred times before.

"No. No. No. No." Luke started waving his hands back and forth. "That isn't a name!"

"That's what I'm labeled."

"You are a person! Not the latest model of a Whirlpool dishwasher!"

"I don't know what else I'm supposed to tell you." I said with a shrug. "I am just a test subject."

Luke shook his head frantically. Then cupped my face in his large hands. "Believe it or not, but you didn't always live here. You once lived with a family that loved you more than there are stars in the sky. Who knows? You might have even had a mate!"

I looked at him confused before asking, "What is a mate?"

His eyes softened dramatically at my question.

"They really did erase everything, didn't they?"

"I would say yes but clearly I have no clue." I smirked

"You are such a smart ass." He chuckled dropping his hands from my face. "Anyways, a mate is someones other half. Some prefer to call them soul mates. But, only a certain species gets the privilege of having one."

"What species is that?"

"Werewolf" He shrugged. "But occasionally the matchmakers decide that two certain people need to be together so they are bonded. It's basically the same as being mated."

"But why would I have a mate?" I asked confused.

"You may have been a werewolf's mate." He shrugged again.

"How would you know?" I asked. Really confused now.

He paused a moment.

"That." He pointed to my collarbone. "Is how I know you have a mate." 

I went over to the mirror hanging above the buffet. There on my collarbone sat a small crescent moon shaped scar.


Hello my lovelies! I hope you are enjoying so far! I am trying to upload more but I am aslo not sure I should continue the story. But I do like the story line so Please Please PLEASE vote and comment!

Picture T.S. 1192 on side ---------->

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