Chapter 7

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It was a quiet day in the household of the Stanlies, the sounds of the curtains ruffling in the halls from the open windows and the pitter patter of the maids' shoes across the floor as they hurriedly went about their business the only sound to be heard. These were the days Mr. Rogers liked best, no masters in the house, no need to bark orders at the maids, and almost nothing for him to do. So, as most quiet days went about, the old butler sat in the library as he skimmed through the pages of one of the old books that the Lord of the house collected. It was a varied collection of romance, adventure, and sometimes the occasional mystery novels strewn throughout the huge ballroom that was redesigned specifically to accommodate all the books that did not within the study. It was, by far, the perfect place to go and have a cup of tea and read while taking a break from working.

"Mr. Rogers?" A young maid said timidly, knocking on the wooden frame of the door-less entryway. The old man looked up from his book and smiled gently at her, making her relax ever so slightly.

"Yes, dear?" He asked, his voice on the verge of bored and amused. "What do you need?"

"Someone is here for you, Mr. Rogers. He says to tell you... Um..." She giggled a little, finding what she was about to say very musing. "The desert is no place for a sky ship. Pardon my laughing sir, it's just really funny. "

Mr.Rogers' brow furrowed as he set his book down on the stand next to him as he stood up, straightening his suit. "Yes, quite. Send him in as fast as you can dear, I will see him."

She nodded and hurried off, her short heels clicking behind her as she scurried over the hardwood floor. Mr. Rogers picked up his cup of tea off the tea tray and placed the porcine to his lips, sipping on the strong bitter liquid within. He only had to wait a few minutes till the maid came back timidly, a tall stranger with the hood of it's cloak pulled over his face following swiftly behind her.

"Here you are, sir." She said timidly, her hands shaking a little as her eyes darted between them. "Is there anything else you need?"

"No dear." Mr. Rogers mused, his lips turning up at the edges in amusement. "You are excused." She nodded and quickly ran out of the library, her heels clicking behind her and echoing off the walls as she did. The stranger gave a low chuckle, one that wasn't very amused with her exit.

"Hello, young one." Mr. Rogers said, gesturing to an open seat next to him. The stranger quickly walked the rest of the way over and sat without hesitation. "How has your hunt been going for Miss Eve?"

The stranger shook his head, his hands staying in his lap and his hidden eyes on the floor. "I have tried in the upper and middle classes as well as part of the remains of the lower establishments." The stranger said lowly, his voice not coming above a whisper. Mr. Rogers nodded, sighing as he took another sip of his tea.

"You never did have the knowlage to know how to spare an old man's feelings."

"I have never had the pleasure of knowing feeling, sir." The stranger deadpanned. "So I do not see the need to spare your's."

Mr. Rogers muttered to himself something that was unrecognizable but quickly stopped. "Well, sweep the other portion and if we don't find her I will contact some old friends outside of town. I highly doubt she would leave the city just yet though." The stranger stayed silent a moment before nodding, making the old man sigh. "Really, Christopher, you must stop reading my mind. We are both mutants in this world, so why would I ever send you into danger?"

"You have with others." Christopher mused, looking down at his feet again. "Might I remind you that I still don't agree with you doing this."

"What? Asking you to help me find my Lord's object of interest? Or that I am here in the first place?"

Advanced Clockwork: Young Writers Prize 2014Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu