Jealousy Mixed with Regret

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After class, I saw Lily going up to Flash, why would she want to talk to him? I thought to myself. As I walked closer I heard her tell him she would go with him to Homecoming. It felt like my heart broke after hearing that, but, it shouldn't, right? I mean she can go with whoever she wants. I doubt she would've said yes if I asked. I couldn't face her nor talk to her. "Peter I." She began to say but, I walked away before she could finish.

"Peter wait!" I heard her shout, but I kept walking to my next class. The remainder of the day I ignored her, texts even avoided any contact with her what so ever, I am hurt, and I suppose jealous. I don't want her going with any guy especially Flash. She is mine, I saw her first, that's not crazy is it? I thought to myself. After my 5th period all of a sudden, I began to feel someone start to drag me by the arm into an empty classroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you Parker?!?!" A voice shouted, as I looked at the person I saw a pair of gray eyes staring hard at me. There was rage in her eyes and what looked like hurt? No, that can't be it. "What's wrong with me?!?" I snap back at her. Lily nodded and crossed her arms over her chest, then gave me a 'duh' look on her face. "You said yes to Flash. Why would you do something like that Lily? He's never been nice to any of us. Are you desperate or something?" I shouted, I didn't care if she was hurt by what I said, it was all true. "Really? Did you seriously just ask me that?! I am giving him a chance, what can it hurt Peter? Stop trying to be a big brother to me, I have one already and don't need another one. I am a big girl and can make my own decisions." She shouted.

"You act like you need to be a hero for everyone including me, well news flash you are not anyone's hero and definitely not Spider-man!!" She screamed at me again. Her words took me back a little and I was shocked at what I just heard her yell. "You're right. So, when he breaks your heart and he will, then don't you dare to me. I will not be there for you at all!" I said to her angrily and it almost sounded like I growled at her. Lily was quiet, her knuckles turned white with how tight she was clutching them.

"Oh god. I am so sorry Lily." I said as I began to walk closer to her, I did feel bad at what I had just told her. Just then, I felt a burning sting on the side of my face, I held onto my cheek and stared in shock at her. "Don't call me Lily, you lost that right. Screw you Peter!" She snapped growling back at me, I could see the tears build up in her eyes, but she held it in. "Yeah, well, screw you too Leilani!" I snapped. "E rotha du." She said quietly but loud enough for me to hear it. I watched as she left the room and I put my hands on my face and looked back at the door. What have I done? I am truly sorry Lily, please forgive me. Is what I wanted to run and tell her, but I didn't.

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