Facing Danger

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It has been 5 days since I've seen Lily, but I am so excited because she is coming home today. Ned kept me company and I promised he wouldn't become the third wheel, everything will stay the same as it always has been, I am glad that nothing bad happ- my thoughts were interrupted by my Spider senses tingling. I looked out the window, and saw couple of giant space ships, I reached to tap Ned who was sitting in front of me. "Hey, I need a distraction." I told him. Ned turned to look out the window and his eyes widened. "Holy shit, we're all going to die!" He shouted, as he and everyone else went to one side of the bus, I left out the window.

I made a detour to go and see Lily on my way to see what is happening. "Karen, can you tell me where Lily is at?" I asked, I put a tracker in her phone, well Ned helped me. I had to do it, I needed to make sure she would be safe and if she was in trouble then I would be able to find her. "Yes of course Peter...she is only 2 blocks away from here." Karen replied. I kept moving, once I spotted her, I grabbed her quickly without slowing down; and landing on a roof of a building nearby.

I let her go and she started gasping for air, then looked at me, "Peter! You scared me." She yelled and then giving me a hug. "Sorry, I missed you. But, I have to go check what is going on with those ships. I just wanted to see you first." I told her taking my mask off. Lily's eyes widened and looked at me with a sad look, "Do you have to?" She asked putting her head down. "Lily, I can't just stand by and let what ever it is that is going on, happen. I will be okay, and I won't be long, my love." I reassured her.

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