Chapter One

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Herro Herro this is your author Yara. Now after my lovely introduction, I've gotta explain to you we've had wattpad for a very long time. I couldn't seem to get around to writing some of our own fan fictions. So here I am with my first chapter, we hope you enjoy.


Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and too strong to be coincidences. - Emery Allen


Warm rays of morning sunshine reflected off the windows of the local florist shop. The warm light was tainted with a variety of colors that radiated off of freshly picked flowers.

The Park family, as usual, were busy at work. Mrs.Park was out fetching groceries at the local market and Mr.Park was tending to his wife's garden in fear of her returning, only to catch him dozing off on the garden chair. Last time that happened. And let's just say things it didn't end so well for Mr.Park. With her slipper in hand, that woman could perform miracles.

An average looking boy, who seemed to be about twenty years old was at the counter preparing an arrangement for a purple and white themed wedding. Bellflowers, Sweet Peas, Petunias and various kinds of flowers lay scattered on the smooth marble counter top. This was not an uncommon sight, the Park family owned a variety of exotic flowers grown by Mrs.Park herself in her little backyard greenhouse.

Although the boy at the counter was only sorting flowers for a wedding, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and his black shirt, pants, and brown apron stuck to him. His light brown hair covered his eyes as he worked, eyebrows fixed on the flowers with concentration. His name tag was in desperate need of a repair. It hung off his ragged brown apron without a clasp, the plastic covering had scratches everywhere, and his name was wearing off. But, if you looked close enough, you could see his name, Park Jimin.

Jimin winced as he accidentally pricked his finger on the scissors that he was using to trim the flowers. His parents always criticized him for being careless and not being aware of his surroundings. He sighed and started to put a band-aid on top of the wound, but was suddenly distracted by the sound of the door crashing open against the gold bell that was above the door. Jimin jumped with surprise and moved his hair away from his eyes to see who it was.

Once Jimin looked at the boy standing near the door, panting, he couldn't take his eyes off him. The boy was about twenty-three years old and he had very pale skin, dark brown, urgent eyes, and mint green hair that covered his eyes partially. He wore an oversized black sweatshirt with a plaid sweater around his waist and skinny jeans. Although the boy looked like he just woke up and ran a mile, Jimin found him surprisingly attractive.

Jimin kept staring at the boy and didn't notice that he had spoke. "Wha-What?" Jimin stuttered, trying to find somewhere else to look other than the boy in front of him.

The boy, still panting, said in a ragged voice "How do you say 'fuck you' in a bouquet of flowers?"

The question immediately made Jimin wake up from his thoughts. "I'm sorry--what?"

The boy groaned in frustration and said through angry pants "Are you a florist or not? I want a bouquet of flowers that scream 'fuck you' when someone looks at it."

Pausing for a second and realizing that the boy was not joking, Jimin quickly went towards the buckets full of fresh flowers, away from the boy's intense stare. After selecting the flowers for the bouquet, Jimin carried them to his work table. He trimmed the flowers and place them all into a neat position, finishing it off with a mint green bow that reminded Jimin of the boy's hair color.

Turning to look at the boy again, Jimin noticed that his eyes kept on closing for a moment and opening again for a long time. Trying to get the boy's attention, Jimin cleared his throat as loud as he could and the boy jumped up, startled. "Here is your 'fuck you' bouquet. It consists of five different types of flowers. One, geraniums which stands for stupidity. Two, foxgloves means insincerity. Three, meadowsweet means uselessness. Four, yellow carnations means 'you disappointed me'. And lastly, five, orange lilies mean hatred. Hope you enjoy your 'fuck you' bouquet. And sorry for the person who receives it." Jimin gives the boy his best eye-smile and the boy mutters a quick thanks and turns to walk out of the floral shop.

There was something that really intrigued Jimin about this boy even though he didn't have the best attitude and annoyed Jimin a bit. He didn't know what it was, but he decided to find out.

Before the boy laid his hand on the door handle, Jimin opens his mouth and asks "What's your name?"

The mint green haired boy turns his head a little to face Jimin and replies "Min Yoongi."

Magic Shop | yoonminOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant