Chapter Seven

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Hallo guys, I'm here with another chapter. Remember to vote and comment! The flowers up there are daffodils. This chapter is very heartfelt lol Enjoy! <3


Maybe it's not always about
fixing something broken. Maybe it's about starting about and creating something
- anonymous


Park Jimin had everything that he could ever ask for. He had a good job that his family started, which meant good pay. He had a nice apartment that he lived in by himself (except for now). And he had a family that loved him. For Jimin, his life was complete with things that he loved. But, it wasn't the same case for Yoongi.

He decided to take a different route home instead of his usual one that went past the bar, because he couldn't risk seeing the guy named 'daddy' again. To others, Jimin might've sounded and acted fierce around him, but inside, he was scared as hell. Thank god Yoongi was there. Jimin couldn't afford to think what would've happened if Yoongi wasn't at the bar at the time.

Jimin walked down the paved sidewalk towards his apartment, thinking. About Yoongi. All he ever thought about was Yoongi now. Like where was he now? What was he doing? At the flower shop today, he thought he saw a flash of his mint green hair outside, staring at him before ducking into the bushes. Jimin was probably going insane. He knew he shouldn't go after a guy that just broke up with a girl, got kicked out of his house, and is probably straight, but Jimin just had a feeling that Yoongi was worth his time.

In fifteen minutes, Jimin arrived at his apartment. The lights were turned off. His mouth turned into a slight frown. Damn it. I forgot to give the kid a key to the apartment, Jimin thought. He smacked his forehead and shook his head. He shivered with thoughts on where Yoongi would be. Did Yoongi think Jimin abandoned him? Was Yoongi sitting near garbage piles?

Jimin gulped. He didn't know why he felt so guilty. He just forgot to give him a key. Yoongi will probably come and knock on his door soon. Jimin took a deep breath, took his key from his pocket and unlocked the door.

He went up the stairs thinking about Yoongi, but suddenly stopped when he heard something. Or someone. Or two someones. Jimin quickly went downstairs to get something to defend himself with. He ended up taking one of his yellow chim chim slippers and carefully proceeded back up the stairs.

Jimin realized that the noises were coming from his bedroom. As he got closer to his bedroom door, he flinched as the noise came even louder. He immediately identified the noise. Moans. Jimin cringed, not wanting to go in. Why would people do 'stuff' in my apartment?

He quickly gathered up his courage and barged into his bedroom. Jimin's mouth stood agape at the sight. On Jimin's bed lay Yoongi and another girl. Making out. They didn't even notice that Jimin stood near the door, fuming. How did Yoongi even get in the house? How dare Yoongi bring a mystery girl to his house to hook up.

Jimin decided to take action and held his slipper up in the air. He made his way to the girl, who was on top of Yoongi, still kissing him. Jimin couldn't help but feel a little pang of jealousy. Without thinking no more, he slapped the mystery girl with his chim chim slipper.

The girl shot out of his bed and fell on the floor. She was clearly drunk. Yoongi, on the other hand just laid on the bed, having such an innocent look. Jimin shook his head. He would've given some understanding to Yoongi if Yoongi was drunk, but he wasn't. It looked like Yoongi had a couple of drinks, but not drunk out of his mind like yesterday.

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