For My Kids!

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A/N: Okay so I'm writing this as my opinion on what's going to happen next in Jordan's book 'One Night Stand' so Jordan take notes and I hope you like this one. Happy reading! 


Pam was very determined to get her kids back and she spend any free time she had when Bayley was sleeping to find out anything she could about Irish family law and the Irish family courts. Pam spend days and days doing her research until she found something when she looked online o the webpage of Irish Family Law and courts. According to Irish law the natural mother automatically has guardianship of the child/children in an act that was past in Ireland in 1964 which means the law in Ireland will allow Pam to see her kids, the Irish law was on Pam's side.

Pam fought back tears of joy and she didn't even think twice about booking tickets for her and Bayley to go to Ireland as soon as possible. She had the Irish law on her side and she was damn if she wasn't going to go there to get her kids back. It could mean that she'll have to move to Ireland to be with her kids for the time being until she could figure out how she could get full custody and bring her kids home to the States, but Pam was willing to sacrifice her leaving from the States and starting a life in Ireland if it meant she had her kids again.

When she put Bayley down for a nap, Pam started packing hers and Bayley's luggages after she had received conformation on her flight and her tickets. Their flight was tomorrow and Pam wanted to have everything to be packed and ready to go. Pam was scared and nervous, she was going to a country that she knew nothing about and she didn't know what she'll be doing there as a living and where she'd live. Pam had no place to stay in Ireland and she knew that when she arrived there she'll have to first find a place to live before she put in a application to get custody of her kids.

The only thing she had was Leonie's phone number in Ireland and she hoped Leonie would again help her find a nice place and a job some where. Pam needs to be making a living in Ireland if she has any chance of getting any sort of custody of her kids, Pam figured she'd work as a barista since its the job she knows to do and has experience in and she was lucky because Ireland is very well known for Pubs and bars so it was perfect for Pam to get a job in a pub or bar somewhere for the time being.

After she was done packing their luggages, Pam finally headed off to bed herself. She couldn't sleep because all she was thinking about was how she'd live in Ireland but mostly her kids. Pam missed them all so much and all she wanted right now was to have them all in her arms and never let them go.


The next day Pam and Bayley were at the airport waiting for their flight. After their luggage was put through, they went to the gate where they were to board the plane and waited for the announcement to board. Pam was so scared and nervous but she knew she was doing the right thing, she knew she had to do this for herself but mostly for her kids. Their flight was called and Pam and Bayley boarded their flight.

"Ireland, here we came. God help us" Pam said to herself as she sat down in her seat on the plane, before looking out of the window.


After a long flight the plane finally landed in Dublin, Ireland. Pam quickly collected their luggages at baggage claim and flagged down a taxi to take her to Bray County Wicklow. Pam had taken care of accommodation for a few weeks til she was able to get settled, buy herself a nice family home and get herself a job. There was so much to do with very little time but Pam was going to do it and make it work.

Arriving at her hotel in Bray, Pam set to work. After putting Bayley down for a nap, Pam called Leonie and ask if she knew of any houses that were for sale and if she knew of any pubs or bars that where hiring. Leonie was more than happy to help Pam. She directed Pam to a local real estate that will help her find a house and told her which pubs and bars she could ask for a job. Pam thanked Leonie for helping her because she had no idea where to go, this was pams first time in Ireland and she needed help getting around Bray with finding a house and job there.

By the end of the week Pam had found the perfect home with 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms it was a perfect family home. Pam put a deposit for the home with the money she had saved from her years working in the US. she also found a job at a local pub her previous experience as a barista got her the job.

After finally having everything settled with the house, Pam finally moved in with Bayley and with the help of Leonie she was finally settling in in Bray and was starting a new life, all that was missing from this new life where her kids and now that she was settled in in Ireland, Pam was coming to get her kids and she was so determined and so motivated to do what it took to finally have them back with her and in her arms.

"Fergal and Rebecca watch out, because I'm coming and I'm getting my kids if it's the last thing I do!" Pam said as she stood at her bedroom window looking out at the view of Bray.

"I'm coming!".............

A/N: There it is what I see happening, I hope Pam goes to Ireland and gets some sort of custody of her kids, those kids need their mum no matter what! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to seeing you all in the next chapter. Leave some feedback before you go, thanks!

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