Natsuki x Male Reader

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Like always,you got up and got ready for school. But this time you were the one late! Sayori was waiting for you.

"Oh my,youre the late one now?~" Sayori teased you

"Oh shut up!" You giggled

You two then walked to school,talking about things from the past. Like how you two met or how you miss childhood.

"Welcome back, [Y/N] and Sayori!" Monika greeted you both with a smile.

"Hello" Yuri said

"Hey!" Natsuki waved and smiled

You obiviously looked at Natsuki first,because you have romantic feelings only for her,no one else. To you,everyone else are friends.

"H-Hey Natsuki!" You said

Monika looked quite offended,because you only greeted Natsuki,not Yuri and her.

"..Okay,everyone!" Monika said "Soon is poem time,so do what you need!"

You nodded and approached Natsuki

"Hey,wanna continue reading?" Natsuki said

"O-Of course!" You replied

You sat down next to Natsuki,but you tried not to touch her,you were always nervous around her.

As you read with her,you kind of stop being so focused and stared at her hair,thinking of how soft it would feel at touch.

Then she looks at you,and you quickly look back at the manga. Looks like she didnt suspect a thing.

After a while,Monika yelled, "Okay,Everyone! Poem time!"

You and the others nod. You got up,offering Natsuki a hand.

"U-Uh.." She either way took your hand and got up

You kind of regretted helping her,because you thought that she might think youre weird or something. But atleast you were polite.

Natsuki exchanges poems with you. You are very amazed by her poem,so you said

"Your poem is awesome" You said,smiling

"Hah! Thanks,yours is okay" Natsuki said

"Okay?! I spent time on that poem!" You thought "B-But,of course,thats Natsuki,a cute little tsundere i love..."

As time passed,you found yourself talking to your crush,yes,Natsuki.

"So,how are you?" You ask

"Could be better,what about ya?" She said

"Im good..." You said

You knew about her problems with her dad,but she didnt know that you know! But you decide not to ask.

"U-Um...[Y/N]?" Natsuki said,obiviously nervous about something

"Yeah?" You say

"C-Come with me..I need to talk to you in private..." Natsuki said

"O-Oka--" Natsuki then took you by the arm and rushed off to the schools rooftop


"L-Look...Im not having a nice day..i dont have a nice relationship with my father..." Natsuki said,with tears in her eyes

"I-I..." You mumbled

"I really dont want to be around him anymore...And i had to tell you that..." She said

"Y-Yes,Natsuki?" You said

"I-I...I really like you..A LOT actually..I told my dad about you but he obiviously doesnt like you..I dont want to be around him,i want to be around you!" Natsuki said

You embraced Natsuki,giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Its gonna be okay,Natsuki...How about this..You live with me!" You said

"I-I dont know what to say...Thank you so much [Y/N]!" She wiped her tears,kissing you

As the day passed,you are now with that precious girl you love.

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