Chapter 2

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Reeva's P.O.V. Unedited

Class was boring i didn't see my best friend much because none of our classes were together, only time we got to see each other was at lunch. All the students ate lunch together but we never sat with everyone we had to sit in our "catergories" so of course me the "loner" sitting there by myself waiting for Bianca to walk into the lunch room was a nightmare. It was very hard for new students to walk in and already be in a catergory, unlike the new guy Jason he is already sitting there around the super cool jocks and the sluts (the barbie dolls).


"mom. why is everyone treating me so horrible in the pack? i am like most kids, there isnt much different with me and all the other children" my mother *sighs* and looks at my father whilel my father did the same at my mom. "Honey i don't want to talk about it."

*flashback ends*

"are you serious Reeva?! you spaced out on me again?" I looked up into my now angered friend and blushed "sorry i didnt mean to but please don't yell, i dont like the attention you bringing towards us. can't you see everyone is looking at us like we are some mad skitso"

she folded her arms and acted like she was pissed off with me i smiled and brushed it off. While everyone decided to move their attention back to what their doing i decided to ease off and but not before i feel a pair of eyes staring at the back of my head, shivers running through my body and goosebumps forming on my arms. I slowly turn around to see who is looking at me, to my shock it was the new guy Jason. I stared right into his beautiful blue eyes I saw a few seconds of lust but as he blinked it disappeared into thin air, wow what I can do with those sexy eyes is unimaginable.

After lunch everything went by so quickly I guess it's because of the interesting subject therefore time goes by so fast just like a blink of an eye. I found myself standing outside in the parking area for my fathers white Chevrolet spark to drive up the parking lot. 10 minutes later my fathers car finally arrived I got into the car and my father drove back home, it wasn't a long drive it only took maximum 15 minutes to get to our house, while we were in the I waited for my dad to start a conversation but I guess he wasn't really in a talkative mood so I decided to break the ice. "Dad, how was work?" , "work was fine hey and school? You meet any new friends, I heard alpha's son came back from California and came straight to school, did you meet him?", "school was boring as usual just Bianca and I we didn't really meet new friends but there was a new guy in our school, he was somewhat weird." "How you mean weird?" "He bumped into he was sweet he helped me up and all of a sudden his whole mannerism changed so yeah I guess that was Alpha's son" 

as we arrived at home I jumped out of the car and went into my room to put my bags down and changed into my now comfortable pajama's, they were pink and fluffy! (What don't judge I love pink!) I looked at my phone to see if anyone sent me a message, 2 messages and one missed call. Hmmm let's check the missed call, it's a number I've never seen before oh well... I flip through my messages and it was most Bianca bragging how good looking the new guy was, I must be honest he does look amazing I somewhat have a deep connection to him even though I don't know what it is.... I flip through the last message "hey doll 1 day left to your birthday! I can't wait to celebrate it with you! Are you planning on having a party?" I quickly replied back sarcastically "yeah definitely having a party! With I don't know who".

Next moment I got such a fright when my mother knocked on the door "sweety dinner is ready, I made your favorite bacon with spaghetti and White wine sauce" "okay mom I'm coming now just need to reply to Bianca quickly" she walked off while I quickly reply to Bianca I re-read the message and finish off what I was typing "yeah definitely having a party! With I don't know who, I got to go chat to you later I'm having my favorite food!!" I got up and left my phone on the bed as I was about to leave the room my phone started ringing, I rush to it and answered "hey Bianca I just sent you a message telling you was going and I will chat to you just now my food is getting cold because of you!" There was just silence... Next thing I know it was............


Wish you guys like my story so far please leave a comment telling me what you think, thanks I am working on the next part!

I Don't need you AlphaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ