Chapter 7. The story of each shifter

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Catherine's P.O.V

"well you see we all have reasons why you can shift into so many of our forms and......"

Reeva's P.O.V

"And?.... Go on don't leave me hanging!! I need to know if there is something wrong with me?!!!"

Catherine's P.O.V

"Well with me is that I came from a very old legend, who will in future be stopping a big war that is still coming in many years but something has changed that future in making the war come sooner than I have expected..... You see let me tell you my story. My father is a black winged crow who is actually the king of the world and my mother is an white crow... Which is very unique and is only heard of by legend, that is why she is called the angel.... All angels are born with black wings and after many years of training their wings slowly changes color the ones who has a pure heart receives their white wings but the ones that have a bad, corrupted heart and do nothing but bad becomes a black crow instead of an angel... But my mom she is a crow born with black wings and became a white winged angel when she was done with her training but instead of being an angel she wanted to stay as an white crow because she fell in love with my father, who was the king of crows.... In order to stop my fathers selfish wish of making the world his, my mother sacrificed her wings and turned her wings into a holy sword and killed my father... To keep this worlds peace.... And because of that I was born with the wings of an white angel and an black winged crow to keep this worlds peace and not letting the legend repeat itself.... And that is why I chose you because you come from a very strong background and in order to keep this place safe you will need to help me save this world from collapsing because of people's selfish greed....."

Victoria's P.O.V

"Well you see Reeva we are all in this war together..... I can control the weather and elements of the world and all of us are actually here to help Catherine and you..... You are actually a very strong and unique specimen yourself... Your family is the worlds most powerful clan in the whole entire world.... You are the purest werewolf breed ever... But no one is as strong as you... Your family is in Italy, I mean your real family is in Italy. Your mother died protecting you and bringing you to this territory."

Felicity's P.O.V

"Okay now I'm sick and tired of being quite.... It's my turn.... You see Reeva you are in the war with all of us but all of your other shifters only do good to stop the world from being corrupted... I am a Succubus which is everyone's natural enemy, as much as I am the Devil's little slave I am also of a good help... I seduce other supernaturals to help us fight the war, people who don't want to help stop this war I am able to seduce them in order to bring an army to fight this war. I know it's a stupid trick but trust me in future you will see my other talents...."

Tamsin's P.O.V

"Valkyrie's are a very strong and powerful creature.... I am able to choose who lives and who dies... I can also make people wary of their own choices and I am a good fighter I am one of the oldest Valkyries alive but even though I'm old I still have my powers and strengths...."

Serena's P.O.V

"Okay my turn as you all know I am a mix breed between a fairy and an mermaid..... Yeah yeah I know you wondering how does a fairy and mermaid breed... Well they don't... I am a cloned breed.... My mother is a fairy and my father is a merman... The underworld scientist took their cell and cloned me... So I am a very unique legend I guess... And that makes me super awesome!!!!"

Lucy P.O.V

"Okay no more brain flooding....

All you need to know Reeva is that you are the most powerful person in the world and that you must not reveal any of us to anyone including me... I know it's selfish but if you don't want to be caught and killed them you will have to do as we say.... If you don't want to get killed you will do as we say....... We are here to save the world with you and to find your real family."

Reeva's P.O.V

"So no showing! Got it! But question is who is mate I have so many of you does that mean I have loads of mates too???"

Lucy P.O.V

"Yes indeed but most of your mates will not be your mates at all... But in the future you shall understand why the underworld goddess has done this to you!"

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