#16. Reconciliation. Maybe?

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A/N: I know I use past and present tense alternately and randomly. Please forgive me 😖
By the way, what I like about using first person's POV, I can write more expressive, however, using 3rd person's POV, I can write another people's feelings and expressions.


3rd Person's POV

The dinner turned out well. Really well, actually.

Those guys are satisfied with their plan. There's only one left on their mind..

Can they reconciled?

Forth and Beam indeed had their own conversations. It wasn't much, it wasn't fancy, it wasn't flirtatious, but it was so precious for Beam.

They didn't talk about the break up. They talked casually and cautiously. Just natural, they were trying to avoid any painful memories.

Beam misses his Engineer so much till his jaw was hurt because he never stops smiling.

Forth too, but he's more relaxed.

As for Beam, he tries not to show his excitement too much because he remembers what Forth said that night, let's be friends. He thought that it might be serious, so he wanted to stay at it. At least, he can talk to Forth right now.

It was already 12 am, the restaurant are closing.

"Ah.. Why it's so fast?" Said one of them.

"We are already here for more than 3 hours, dammit."


"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Should we go somewhere hotter?" Asked one of them, which replied by Pha right away, "nah.. I'm not going, I promise to my boyfriend I'll comeback around this time."

"Aiiisshh, where's my lover?" Said one of them, act like he's lonely.

"Aiiissshh, that's too much for my broken heart.." Said another one.

Forth laughed, "don't you have a new girl?"

Snapped. His friend remembered that he was the one who answered Ming's call in the car earlier.

"Aww. I forgot I have a girlfriend!" Then he laughed at his own joke.

"So? Who's going?" Asked Lam.

"Pass." Forth answered it immediately.

"Huh?? Why??" Asked his friends. They wanted Forth asks Beam too. It wasn't really planned, but since the two were fine, they thought it'll be nice if they can continue their hospitality in a hotter and sexier place.

"Nope. I'm not going there. I'd rather working on my engine." He waved his hand as a 'no'.

"If you are not going, we are not too."

"Naaah.. Don't have to do that. It's okay."

Forth's friend looked at each other, and James made a move.

"What? You need your personal doctor comes along?" He smirked. But deep inside, he wished he wont get killed after this.

Surprisingly, Forth laughed.

"What doctor?"

"Ehm, someone beside you?" Now Kit is teasing. It made Beam widened his eyes and make a don't-you-dare face. Kit is giggling seeing his friend's expression.

"Oh? This guy? No, he's tired. He said they have a lot of assignments this week."

"Oh.. Wow.. Such a loving lover.." Teased them which followed by a 'fuck you' from Forth.

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