phone numbers

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tobirama's pov

we were sitting at a table, eating our lunch. i was eating a sandwich, while (y/n) was drinking some red bull. "aren't you a little young to drink shit like that?" i asked her and she gave me a glare. "i need energy" "for what?" she seemed a little bothered by my question, so i just shut my mouth. "sorry" i spoke. "it's alright. anyway, what's your next period?" she asked, playing on her phone. "chemistry" "then i'll see you at the next break" she said with a little smile. "yeah, alright". she got up and threw the red bull can away. i don't know why, but i've never seen someone like her. she's so different from all the girls i know.


i made my way to the chemistry class, not bothering to look at all those students. it doesn't bother me that i don't have friends. it's actually really nice. that's what i found interesting about (y/n). she doesn't have friends either. and everyone thinks she is a freak. just like me at my old school. everyone thought i'm weirdo, but i didn't care at all. i didn't have to deal with everyone's bullshit. now that i met (y/n), i'm slowly starting to change my opinion about friends.

your POV

the lesson was finally over. i made my way to the cafeteria, where i was supposed to meet up with tobirama. i sat down at the table that we sat the previous break. i put on my earbuds and closed my eyes. i was listening to metallica. i'm a big fan of 70s-90s rock. i'm a big fan of nirvana, guns n roses, metallica, pink floyd, scorpions and many others. this music just makes me feel alright. i still had my eyes closed and i didn't feel tobirama sitting down. he slowly tapped my shoulder. i jumped and looked at him. he had a soft smile on his face, a smile that you would die for. "whatcha listening to?" "some metallica" "that's cool. i like them too. i also like nirvana, scorpions, pink floyd and the good shit". oh dear lord, is he me but male? he liked the same things as me, he talked like me. almost too good to be real. i quickly brushed off those thoughts and pulled out a sketch i did in biology class. it wasn't finished. it still needed eyes and fingers, but i managed to draw them quickly and i handed to sketch to tobirama. "dope. can i keep it?" "sure, just let me sign it for ya" i smiled at him and he gave me a smirk. "i have gym next period ugh" "i have math" "lucky you" i said in a bored tone. "wanna switch?" i laughed. "yeah, why not?" he said with a soft laugh.


the school day was finally over and i was waiting outside for tobirama. i was playing on my phone when someone tapped my shoulder. i turn around, seeing a smiling tobirama. "habit much?" i ask with a smirk."dunno.i guess. what do you want me to do? kiss you?" i slightly blush at his words. "maybe later" i say smiling. "anyway, i gotta go home, so maybe you wanna hangout later" i say waiting for his answer. "sure, why not? let's exchange numbers" "do you have any social medias?" "i do, but i rarely use them" he says casually. "alright, i gotta go now. i'll call you later" i said with soft smile. "see ya" he said with little smile.

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