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 The next morning, Rebekah told her brothers everything. They believed her when she had said she hadn't been the one to murder the duke, and they all decided together that it was best if they moved somewhere else.

 Of course, it caused quite an uproar when Vittorio's body was discovered. It was obvious how it was done, but no one knew who. Of course, when they decided to leave, Klaus went around compelling all the servants to forget about their existence. The only person he didn't compel was Lucrezia, and that was Rebekah asked him not to.

 Saying goodbye to Lucrezia was hard. Rebekah had grown very fond of her, and wished she could have a little sister like that girl.

 "Do you know what will become of you?" Rebekah asked.

 "Our cousin will be taking up the title," Lucrezia answered. "I myself will be married soon, I hope."

 "So, there is a young man!"

 Lucrezia blushed. "A little older than I, but yes. His name is Alfonso. He has a title, though not a high one, and some land of his own. I do not know if my brother would have approved, but we are to marry as soon as possible. My cousin has given us his blessing, and I will be staying here with him until I am married."

 Rebekah shook her head. "I will be sorry to miss your wedding, but we cannot stay any longer."

 "Where will you go?"

 "Who knows? We will know it when we arrive."

 Lucrezia hugged Rebekah. "Thank you. You have been a wonderful friend, Rebekah."

 "As have you. Farewell, Lucrezia." Rebekah kissed the girl on the cheek. "You have a good life ahead of you. Enjoy it."

 As they rode away, Rebekah thought about what it was that Vittorio had sensed about her. He must have been able to tell how easily she fell in love, how easily she could believe a man if he told her he loved her. He knew it, and he took advantage of it. That was the kind of man Rebekah hated.

 She would never be so trusting again, she decided. She would more careful with who she loved, what kind of men they were. She could never have another Vittorio in her life again, and she vowed it to herself as she left that all behind.


 Lucrezia could not believe it was over.

 Vittorio was dead. Her brother was really gone. Though she was supposed to be in mourning, she could not have been more thrilled.

 She and Alfonso were free to marry and be happy. She loved him, and he was offering her a good life. She had for a time fancied herself in love with Rebekah, and perhaps she had been. But Rebekah was gone, and Alfonso was there to give her everything she wanted. And all that had to be done was get her brother out of the way.

 Reading Francesca's journal made her realize all her suspicions were true, and that her brother really was as terrible as she thought. What sort of man was cruel enough to murder his own wife? Francesca was the mother she never really knew, the sister she never got to have. Vittorio ruined it all. He had had to die in order for Lucrezia to get everything she wanted.

 And now she would able to go on in life to better things, and escape from her past.

 She was never particularly fond of her brother, anyway.

Murderous Suitor | Rebekah MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now