열 다섯(15).Thinking(생각)

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I woke up at 9:05 am.
I saw that Suga was still sleeping.
I carefully tried to get out of the bed without making a sound to wake him up.
Suga suddenly woke up.
"Y/N where you going?".
To the bathroom. I said.
"Ohh okay then, Suga said, as he laid down on the bed again to sleep.
"Then RM came inside,Y/N, Suga were going to a restaurant at 11:00 pm get ready!
With that, I went to the bathroom before Suga can.

I decided to do my hair braided:

And wear something casual yet formal at the same time

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And wear something casual yet formal at the same time

I only put a light pound of makeup since I was going to eat food anyway

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I only put a light pound of makeup since I was going to eat food anyway.

(This is the closest I can find for natural look,so just go with it guys:)

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(This is the closest I can find for natural look,so just go with it guys:)

When I got out of the bathroom. Suga was staring at me with his whole mouth open

 Suga was staring at me with his whole mouth open

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Suga, Um stop staring at me. I said.
"Wha?",Suga didn't send any flashy remarks back to me.
What is it? I said
You lookkkk
Oh, was All I could say.
I cursed in my thoughts
(Say Something Pabo)
Unfortunately, my brain couldn't think of anything to say(great)I thought.
There was an Awkward silence...
'Am gonna get changed now', Suga said as he went to the bathroom.
I Sighed.
(Why couldn't I say anything? I looked like a Pabo, just standing there)
I pushed the thought away cause today I need to focus on telling Jungkook
The truth.

I wanted to look good today, at the restaurant.
Cause Honestly, I wanted Y/N to notice me and not any other guy(Ahem Like V and a Suga) I thought.
Whenever I think about that moment that V and Y/N  hugged,It angers me.That should have been "Me".
I decided to wear a simple tuxedo.

(I couldn't find a picture where Jungkook, looks this good, cause usually, he looks like an innocent bunny in all pictures lmao)Anyways on with the story;)

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(I couldn't find a picture where Jungkook, looks this good, cause usually, he looks like an innocent bunny in all pictures lmao)Anyways on with the story;)

Just I was done, RM called everyone down. I and V went downstairs.
All of us were surprised by Y/N's Outfit. Including me.

(Enjoy this Jungkook Meme;))

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(Enjoy this Jungkook Meme;))

Then it was time for us to go...

And that's were we end this chapter guys!Y'all know what will happen in the next chapter!I have swimming classes,so It might be very hard to write now and then.But I appreciate you guys,Reading and Voting!Thank you guys so much for supporting this fanfic!And I hope Y'all have a good day!
Peace Out!
My Lovely Readers!;)
Till next time!:))

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