Chapter One

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Switzerland was absolutely beautiful in the winter time, visually stunning. The snow looked like powder sugar falling from the sky, and everything was encased in a layer of this sweet delight. You could walk through the town at any time and find it aglow with soft candle light dancing upon the snow. The town smelled of warm chocolate and sweet peppermint. I loved it. On the weekends when all the other girls took weekend trips to Italy I often wandered the town, buying a delicious treat or two, talking with the townsfolk, sending letters back home. It was very hard for me to leave Switzerland to go back home.

While the other girls would spend the morning before leaving bragging about where their families were going for the holidays. They talked of far off lands, like the rich and earthy India, or the romantic Italy, or the fashionable Paris. They would speak of the items they planned to purchase; dresses and perfumes were among the top contenders. At that moment the girls in my dorm would often turn to me and ask what I was doing for the holidays. I would smile, and explain that I was heading back home to North Carolina.

"So you're not going anywhere nice" one of my doormats asked me, stuffing the last of her boyfriends love letters into her bag.

"My family throws a huge New Years Eve party; it's considered one of the most exclusive parties where I'm from."

"Surprised they let her in" one of my roommates whispered to her friend. The girls let out a giggle before grabbing their bags and dragging them through the door.

"Well that's delightful Rose" My other roommate said "see you in the New Year"

I waved them off as they headed towards the train, my plane wasent taking off for another few hours.

I spent that extra time, suitcase in hand, touring the town. I Bought a few Last minute Christmas gifts, A shaving Kit for Grandfather, A Book for Daniel, A Pearl necklace for Aunt Victoria, an emerald ring For Aunt Evelyn, and a collapsible hand fan for Aunt Lucille.

Finally a car came by and picked me up taking me to the airport, where I boarded my plane and began the trek home. We had to stop many a times to refuel but it gave me a chance to relax, I always had found Air travel to be rather scary. Eventually the Plane touched Down in North Carolina, allowing me to get off the giant metal contraption. The airport was nearly deserted, a few businessmen milling about, which made it easier to spot my Grandfathers Chauffer Roger.

I sent him a wave, skipping over a bag in tow.

"Welcome Home Miss McGiver" roger smiled, his blue eyes crinkling.

"It's good to be home" I said "How is Grandfather Doing" I said

"Quite well Miss" Rogers reached over taking my bags as we began to walk towards the car, "You're Grandfather is still in high spirits at his old age"

"That's good to hear" I said "and how are you and everyone else"

"Doing well miss" Rogers said "of course the work does get harder during the cold months"

"Trust me Rogers, this weather is nothing."


The ride from the airport was uneventful, I watched the snow fall from the sky, the people waving at the car, the trees rustling in the wind. And eventually I saw the manor pull into view.

My family owned a large plantation and right smack-dab in the middle of it was the family Mansion, sleek white and colonial. The house had a ballroom, a grand dining room, a small library, a parlour, an informal dining room, an Office, as well as many bedrooms and bathrooms. And of course in the summer time the garden was magnificent filled with every kind of rose one could ever hope to see.

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