1.) Mech X Crew

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Spyder Johnson:

What? You didn't think I was going to let you hear all of this casually did you? Where's the fun in that? I like a little change once in a while so just give a listen. It's been about a solid three weeks since we saved Kenzie's father. Summer always feels like it's taking its time to get here. I mean, here we are kicking monster butt everyday and it's the beginning of May. Are you serious? Master of time or whoever controls the months, why in the world are you torturing us like this? We're kids, not everlasting wisps of life that can basically do what they please. I need my break and I needs it now!
   Ok yeah, I'm getting off track here. You'd expect that everything, besides Mack, has been the same. Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha! Ha ha! Ha....woo, that's a good one. Yeah so you see, we're only freshman and we've been through hell so far. I had to stop planning my awesome sixteenth birthday party since there's a chance that we'll come in contact with a liquid beast in the near future. Mark already got his sweet sixteen. You know, the one we weren't invited to and Ryan didn't even bother to come down until the cake was being served since most of Mark's friends attended. Talk about a smart move. Course Ry told me Mark had talked to him after the party. Don't want to get into that conversation because that's their business. But when have I not gotten into other people's business?
  Dang it, I'm doing it again. Alright so, we've been back at school and no monsters have been at our throats for the past week or two. Hallelujah! Christmas came early. Now when I say things haven't been the same, things HAVE NOT been the same. It's not a bad thing by any means. If it were, then this would turn out to be very dark and creepy. What I'm talking about is my friends and them... let's just say....evolving.
   After the big Tregear incident, my good pal Harris was done being targeted. Little guy is taking martial arts now. I watched him before and he's not that bad. What had me bursting into tears of laughter was when another person joined his class. Can you guess who? Go ahead, I'll wait. You're probably right. The biggest hoot was when they were paired together. I'd joined the class to keep both of them from trying to outdo each other. That's not my thing though. But, I am looking to be a professional wrestler someday so I'll look into that.
  That brings me to skinny big head. Yeah that's my nickname for him. Caught on pretty quick, but he hates it. I'm glad, now I can annoy him whenever I want. Playfully people, not in a way where feelings get hurt. Not that cruel. Yeah so he's been more like my brother by the day than he's ever been in the last fifteen years we've known each other. We can all pretty much say that. I think that ego of his is wearing down a bit. I can see a lot more of his light-hearted traits and his big heart. Seriously, it's like the size of a cannonball. He doesn't want to admit it, but he loves all of us. It's sweet. Don't tell him I said that or he'll deny everything. Typical Mark Walker.
  If it wasn't for this team, I don't think we would be so close like this. And I never would've met her. No not Mackenzie. I love her, but the girl I'm talking about is seriously cute. Again, not that Kenzie isn't. This girl's clever, crazy smart, more mature than most of us combined, and knows how to make a mean lasagna. Who are we discussing? It's none other than miss Veracity Campbell herself. I know I know, I'm introducing her like she just won an Oscar or something. Well she's just that special. At least to me she is.
  Hey! Don't think I don't have a feeling you're smirking right now! I know what you're thinking. Oh snap, Spyder likes Veracity. What what?? Well you know what?! You're......absolutely right. Ok I admit it. I mean come on, what's not to like about her? Sure she can be sarcastic and come off a bit weird. But once you get to know her she's freaking amazing. I've always thought she was cute. I just never said anything because of Harris. I knew that for one he'd be shocked and probably freak out. Two, I'm still rooting for those two to call it official. As much as I like her, they have more in common and would make a great couple....even though I think we make a better one. Tee-hee, don't tell Harris I said that.
   Now, let's get to the last person. I'm not mentioning Leo a lot since he's not around much anyway unless we need him or he's already in the robot. He spends most of his time checking in with my friend's parents and basically making sure we have everything we need for new weapons and armor. Leo really is a big part of the team and I'm glad he's back. Just, I wish the guy would show me how to make a shock stick. Do you know how many of my daily life problems would go away if he showed me? Aww well, that's a dream that'll have to wait.
   Ok ok, I'm fantastic at slowly getting to the point. Keeps the anticipation going. Yes, I learned that word too. Anyways, let's talk about sex. I feel that...ha! Nah I'm just playing. I'd say out of all of us, he's been through the most change. Kind of a given since he's a young, adopted, targeted, and technopathic pilot. And that has to be the most descriptive sentence I've ever said. Wow, Harris is rubbing off on me. I need a cold pool to jump in. Have to do it at night though, that's when the squirrels join me. Man, they've been restless lately.
   But yeah, he's been a little different. I never see him wear plad anymore. He's been spending time at the skate park without actually skating. I caught him sneaking into the teacher's lounge to steal donuts one time. Oh wait, we did that together. Ooo...yeah, we're buds right? Please don't tell Principal Dalton about that. I've got a lot of detentions to last a lifetime. Best record was 72. It's kind of fun, especially when the teacher you have doesn't care. Ever been there?
   At first, Ryan's mom said it might just be a phase. Sure. It's not just me when I say maybe it might be more than just a "phase"? No, not just me? Oh good, you know you guys rock for not leaving me hanging like that. And for everyone else who didn't agree, well then, forget you okay? I'm joking, you're all cool. I don't know what's been on his mind lately. I hope he's okay. Sure I've known him all of my life and he didn't dramatically change overnight. Ryan's still taking on the whole leadership deal and always takes it seriously. All I'm saying is that you never know what to expect from him. And as much as you would think I would dig that, which you are right, part of me has a dislike towards it. Yeah we're teens and we're not going to be the same way forever. He's still a great guy and best friend, but sometimes I miss the old Ryan you know? The one who wasn't so weird all of a sudden. Harris on the other hand remains the same for the most part. He just has more limits and conditions than us. Though I don't want to admit it, that's a good thing. Someone besides Veracity to keep us all grounded.
   Still, we're not like we was at the start of highschool. We are all closer, which is pretty darn great. I still remember all the stuff Ryan told me. Those secrets haven't been spilled yet. I think it's the perfect time since we don't have anything to do yet. But when I talked to him about it, I saw a glimpse of my old best friend not wanting to risk that. I told you he wasn't completely out of sight. Just a lot of tweaks being made that's all. He stopped saying 'Mech Execute!' before linking to the robot. Instead when a call comes up, he says and I quote:

'Alright everybody, let's go out there and kick some ass!"

Not going to lie, sometimes it sounds  coming from him. Other times, I'm amused. So does Kenzie, but doesn't comment on it. She adjusted to this more than the rest of us considering it doesn't faze her that much. Harris has his concerns about him. He agrees with what I think and he doesn't hate him or anything. It was just something he'll have to get used to. Mark on the other hand doesn't have a feel for it. I watched him cringe at some of the things his little brother says and most of the time it's hilarious. I don't necessarily call him out for it since it's not something we all knew would happen. He told me once that he finds it interesting and that when Dane got a whiff of it, he was merely impressed. Still though, it's not something Mark will just warm up to.
   Then there's V. She makes him a target for her sarcasm and jokes when Harris isn't there. I find that funny too since she's really good at it. Now? It's a little harder for her to pick at Ry since his comebacks are pretty good and sometimes shut her up. The Desmond thing got a burner when he said...well... I'll save that for another time. Point is, those two are their own TV show if they are in the same room together. It gets better when I'm there. What? I lighten the mood a lot more than you realize.
   I know I talked about Ryan the most in this. Look I'm aware that everyone has changed in their own ways and I think it's great. He just stands out from time to time with his ways and I take note. I've been doing that with everyone lately. But there's one more person I left out. And it's me! What's up? There's not much to say though. What you're hearing is what you're getting. I love having that daredevil part of me come out on a constant basis and me surprising everyone with my knowledge on things even the smartest people on the team aren't aware of. Just because I don't like school doesn't mean I don't know anything. Ever heard of people learning in different ways?
   Overall, I think we all had our fair share of change. Me less than most, but hey, I'm glad that I didn't. There was nothing really to change about me anyway. I'm not perfect by any means so don't get that twisted. Just, sometimes you don't have to do much to understand some things about yourself later. Huh, wonder if that's how some people do things? If it is, than hot dog I'm a smarty pants!
With me, Leo, Mack, Ryan, Mark, Harris, and Veracity being the entire team, we did consider changing the name to Mech X7. As soon as we did, we instantly hated it. Mech X4 would always stay since he sounds the best and changing it was something none of us felt like doing. Classic case of sticking with what you know. Wow, you know I just realized I'm up to 1931 words. 1933 now. Ooo, 1936! I'm on a roll. How do people talk this much? Is it just a given?
   Hey! You guys still with me? Give me a sign so I know. Wait, I can't see you so that's pointless. I'll just trust that you are. You ready? I think I've kept you guys waiting going enough. What happened over this weekend was crazy. I had no idea what we were expecting. None of us did. Just another part of our lives to look back on and say...man...we were so badass. But enough of this, let's just get on with it.

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