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                                                             Chapter 1- Freak. 


                                                       "Anna! Anna! Wake up!" 

    Mrs. Greene tapped on the sleeping girl trying to get her out of her desk. It was the last day of school, Grade 6 would be officially over in a few hours. Anna was relived. Her year had been the most troubling one she had ever had. She took a deep breath in, remembering all of the odd circumstances. At the beginning of the year, she ended up on the ceiling, leading against it, her body dangling like a balloon. That was when all of the children started to call her a freak. She assumed that she was a freak, after all, that had never happened to anyone else. A freak didn't sound so bad, as she was already living a freak life. That's what they had told her when the girls cornered her outside and threw raw eggs in her hair. Anna didn't make any noise, she just had closed her eyes, leaned up against the dark wood fence and mentally prepared herself. 

    Anna was walking home from school when she heard someone yell. "Aye, Freak!" Anna mentally groaned, and turned around. There were three of them. The meanest girls in the school. The largest one was standing in the front, her two friends behind her. She could remember the words perfectly. "Why would anyone ever love you, you freak!" Said the large girl in the middle. "You are the ugliest, weirdest freak I have ever meant! Where did you come from freak, out of a chicken?" The two girls laughed and drew the eggs from behind their backs. "Here's what you getting for being such a freak, you eggface!" Anna closed her mouth. "Enjoy cleaning off you're dead siblings!" The two girls snickered behind her, and she closed her eyes. The girls threw the eggs at her, laughing as the eggshells broke off into her hair. The yolk traveled down her face and onto her closed lips. 

The next day, the girls had come to school, without any hair. Any of it. It didn't look shaved, just as though they had went extremely bald at a young age. She had overheard two kids talking about it that day. "I heard Lilian say that Molly said that her hair just came straight off! She fell asleep, and was fine. The next day she said she woke up, and it was gone! Just there, lying on her pillow! She screamed for her Mum, and  when her Mum saw, she screamed. They tried to take her to the doctor and they had told her she would be bald forever. I just feel so bad for her, Roberta, and Julian, don't you?"  Anna had then crept closer to the two girls who were talking. One of them glanced over at Anna and whispered not very quietly, "Wonder if the freak girl over here had something to do with it." That girls schoolwork had all ripped itself to shreds.

No one had proof that Anna had done any of those things, but it was assumed. Even the teachers liked to avoid the poor girl. Everyone disliked her, and she was considered a "troubling student". She wasn't very good at any of the school work anyway, and all the children treated her poorly. The rest of the class watched Anna as she slowly stirred the rapping on her desk getting louder. Anna was only 10, yet she was a freak.

 Anna sat up slowly. She had brown hair that practically glowed in the sunlight. She was pale, with slight freckles and striking green eyes. The harsh truth was that she was different. She looked different, she acted different. It wasn't "normal". She looked up from her safe haven in the crook of her arms. The kids around her gave her judgmental looks as Anna tried to quickly fix her uniform. "Anna." Said her teacher. "A word after class."  Anna rolled her eyes. Sometimes, Anna felt as though she couldn't take it anymore. She wished that something would happen. Something in the books that she would read. Her books, were her only friends. No one else understood her, no one else cared enough to. She didn't want to harm the kids, she just wanted to escape into her stories. The ability to become an amazing heroine, and save the world, or fall in love with the prince.  All her thoughts floated through her mind as she sat up and took out her notebook and started to doodle. 

The school bell rang. Anna grabbed her notebook and pencil, walking up to the teachers desk. "You needed to see me?" Her teacher looked down in her lap, twitting her fingers. "Anna, the school is sad to inform you that you will not be aloud to attend school here next year. Nor any primary school near. You are to be going to a special school. One for people who are different." Anna's voice cracked as she looked up at her old teacher. "Wha-What?" Her heartbeat raced. "You are sending me to a school for crazy people?" She felt the tears in her eyes well up. Mrs. Greene looked at the girl with a stern look. "I have already contacted your parents. Meet me here, after your school lets out, and we will talk about your new adjustment."  

Anna couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. She wasn't crazy, everything that had happened had been just a coincidence! They-they weren't her fault! They couldn't have been. Her math teacher looked at her, concerned. "Would you like to go to the bathroom to cool down Mrs. Baker?" Anna nodded, and he handed her a hall pass. She walked in the hallway briskly, snapping the hair tie on her wrist. She wasn't crazy. She thought to herself. snap. I'm not crazy. Snap. I'm not crazy. Snap. I'm not crazy. She burst through the bathroom door, walking over to the sink putting her arms on either side, her head down. I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy. She squeezed the sides of the sink looking into the reflection. 

I'm not crazy. 

But I am a freak. 

The mirror broke, cracking down the middle. Anna looked into her broken reflection, her face looking inhuman from the breakage. 

Why can't I be normal? 

Why do I have to be a freak? 


I really love the way this turned out. Just in case you didn't figure it out already, this chapter is year 1. Thank you guys for reading! Currently the book has 603 veiws. and the date is 2-4-19. Ily guys!! -Georgia

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